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How to Speak Progressive

Bill O’Reilly: Many Americans still don’t understand the progressive language, so I am here to help. Behold, the lexicon.Social Justice. The big one. The tent under which most minority grievances are displayed. Equity. The solution to social injustice. The government and private enterprise favoring minority groups and sometimes women.

Does the NFL Hate Cops?

Bill O’Reilly: The Super Bowl halftime show will feature performers who have embraced violent, anti-police lyrics. Under the banner of “diversity and inclusion,” National Football League chief Roger Goodell is showcasing some pretty vile “entertainment.” Remember, Goodell is the guy who allows “social justice” slogans like “Black Lives Matter” to be printed on helmets worn during games.

Teach the Children Well

Bill O’Reilly: There is no skin color factor when it comes to native intelligence. Under disciplined circumstances, almost every child can learn and develop their talents. But just like the criminal-justice system, the progressives want to eliminate accountability and are playing the race card to do it. What a colossal mistake.

Biden Had Just One Job…

John Daly: t’s really quite something that we’ve gone from “unity is the path forward” to essentially, “You’re an evil racist if you don’t agree with me” in just a year’s time…Biden was in the unique and highly favorable position of having just one job as president, and unfortunately for the country, he has failed at it.

Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Is a Cheat

Dennis Prager: If Lia or any other biological male is allowed to compete against biological women, women’s sports are rendered pointless and therefore unnecessary. The entire reason women’s sports exist is to enable women to compete only against other women — because males have innate physical advantages in virtually every sport.

A Very Biden Thanksgiving

Bill O’Reilly: The Biden family has a tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving on Nantucket, an island belonging to Massachusetts. Very nice place if you can afford to live there.  Few can. The President’s crew celebrated at the home of David Rubinstein, 72, a billionaire four times over.  Rubinstein made his fortune taking over companies and then reselling them for huge profits.  

Joe and Kyle

Bill O’Reilly: Biden’s office quickly turned out a statement saying Americans must “accept” the verdict. But Mr. Biden then said he was “angry” about the jury’s decision. That is shocking in the historical sense. Why is the leader of the country angry? Does he think the folks on the jury are corrupt? Bigoted? Stupid? What’s the deal, Joe?


Bill O’Reilly: There’s speculation that the bogus Russian Collusion story was concocted and financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. If true, that would be one of the most corrupt political actions in American history. Mrs. Clinton will, of course, deny any knowledge of criminality.  And she is entitled to the presumption of innocence that Donald Trump did not receive. 

Jan. 6 Still Matters, Even if GOP Leaders Wish It Didn’t

John Daly: Last weekend at the urging of a friend, I watched a new HBO documentary called “Four Hours at the Capitol.” It’s about the January 6 attack…It is a day that Americans should never forget. It marks a deadly attack on our democracy and constitution, provoked by a sitting president’s months-long effort to steal an election. And we as Americans should have a vested interest in making sure it doesn’t happen again.

The Steal

Bill O’Reilly: Now we know why the left loves mail-in ballots so much.  They can easily be manipulated with guys like Zuckerberg donating cash to make it happen. By the way, Marky Mark broke no laws. What he did was perfectly legal and if the states don’t crack down on this colossal con, it will happen again in 2024.

Biden’s Eyes Are Wide Shut

Bill O’Reilly: The law enforcement strategy embraced by the progressive movement is directly leading to thousands of violent deaths across this country. So, where is President Biden on the issue? Nowhere, that’s where.  He’s too busy calling his own country a racist place to actually deal with real racism: the horrendous murder toll among African-Americans.

Beware, the Pronoun

Bill O’Reilly: Cisgender  is almost always used by leftists who flunked biology.  It means “a person whose sense of identity corresponds with birth sex.” So, if you’re born a male you act like a boy and later a man.  That’s cisgender. However, woke people object and I guess they also despise the Spencer Davis Group who once loudly wailed: “I’m a man, yes I am, and I can’t help but love you so!”

Time for Straight Talk About Biden

Bill O’Reilly: Like many Americans, I cringe when the President of the United States has to answer questions or read the teleprompter. I’ve been around long enough to know when a person is not able to do a job. There is no debate about this – Joe Biden cannot run the country and the damage he is doing is incalculable.

Biden Can’t Run This Country Responsibly

Bill O’Reilly: For months, I have been telling you the President is a diminished man. I did not cheap-shot him with dementia allegations or other personal stuff. I simply know he is not able to run this country responsibly. This is not an ideological analysis even though the progressive left controls Biden. It’s simple: Joe Biden cannot retain information or absorb details about complicated situations.

The Woke Mob Takes No Prisoners If You Aren’t a Liberal

Bill O’Reilly: If you had to break down the mob’s philosophy to its essence it would be this: they think they are superior human beings, better than you and me. In reality, the woke fanatics are totalitarians.  They want to hurt folks who hold opposing points of view. They support taking their jobs, humiliating them with unproven accusations (Brett Kavanaugh), even banishing human beings from society.

Masking the Truth

Bill O’Reilly: The developing problem is not every citizen will take the vax.  Plenty of fear. Also, millions of foreign nationals are flooding across the southern border. Many, if not most, are not vaccinated. Biden has no strategy to stop the border madness and little ability to persuade anti-vaxxers.  Therefore, when yet another strain of Covid gathered strength, the federal government had no coherent response.