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Trump’s Scarlet Letter

The question, as the presidential campaign kicks into high gear, is whether “convicted felon” will matter with voters. If it hurts Trump, it likely won’t be by much. People already know how he is. And just about nothing he’s done so far has scared off his fans, so why would a felony conviction in a Manhattan trial that stinks of politics have much influence on the election?

Yes, a Candidate’s Health Matters

John Daly: There’s a growing speculation among political observers that if Pennsylvania’s John Fetterman does eke out a victory, he’ll be replaced (for health reasons) with another Democrat. In which case, Fetterman will have served as a political placeholder (in a year in which the Senate majority may still be up for grabs).

Beware, the Pronoun

Bill O’Reilly: There are people who object to “cultural appropriation.”  Those folks amuse me from a distance because I won’t get anywhere near them.  There is a big list of banned Halloween costumes because of CA. Let’s see.  Want to dress up as Cochise, the great Apache chief?  Are you freakin’ kidding?  Sociology students from Yale will burn down your house.

Jon Stewart Shouldn’t Be Taken at Face Value

John Daly: I certainly admire, and am even grateful for, the work Stewart has done on veteran causes. I think he’s sincere and well-intentioned on these issues. But he’s also a rhetorical bomb-thrower by nature — a guy so infected by partisan politics that he can’t be trusted for good-faith, objective assessments of anything within our political spectrum. That’s why, for all of his qualities, he should never be taken at face value.

Biden Needs Help

Bill O’Reilly: The 1962 New York Mets were the worst Major League Baseball team ever. The cabinet of President Biden is channeling those Mets. Generally speaking, this is a collection of lazy sycophants who are “advising” an administration that is incompetent beyond belief.

Pride in America

Bill O’Reilly: These days the word “pride” is often used when discussing the gay situation…Gallup asked more than 1,000 American adults about pride in being an American. Sixty-five percent of us are proud to be citizens. Thirteen percent are not.

The Fall of Network TV News

Bill O’Reilly: Those who run corporate media agencies aren’t interested in fairness. They simply don’t want the “cancel” guns trained on them. The result is dull news presentations and avoidance of important stories like inner-city gun violence, and the negative effects of Biden’s open border policy. Instead, we get the storm du jour and feature stories about how Aunt Emma still knits sweaters by hand in Duluth.

Bill O’Reilly Would Have Flunked Kamala and Joe in U.S. History

Bill O’Reilly: Memo to Ms. Kamala and Mr. Joe: the founders wanted the individual states to deal with all “social” issues – like abortion! The Tenth Amendment states that any policy not articulated in the Constitution should be handled by the states. Hello, Roe v. Wade. There is no citation for abortion or marijuana or gay marriage, or most other personal matters in the Constitution. Therefore, these issues fall under state authority.

The Overturning of Roe v. Wade

John Daly: Roe vs Wade was and is bad law and bad constitutional precedent — egregiously broad, overstepping, and needlessly divisive from the beginning. I welcome its forthcoming reversal. What I’m not looking forward to is the next round of reactionary political chaos and hysterics that is already underway.

The Truth Is That Biden Is Unable to Govern

Bill O’Reilly: That’s what’s spooking the financial markets. It was painful watching him last week trying to describe Russia as a “plutocracy” and a “kleptocracy.” The President could not get those words out of his mouth, and his verbal attack became “stumble-ocracy.” Embarrassing doesn’t come close to describing it.

Dems Blame Putin

Bill O’Reilly: Putin caused inflation. That’s what Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Jen Psaki told the nation. We are dealing with the “Putin price rise.” Of course, all the stats say consumer prices were going up fast before Russia invaded Ukraine but damn those pesky facts. It was Putin, for sure.

There Are Many False Roads on the Happy Map

Bill O’Reilly: Today, progressive and some liberal Americans believe the government should “guarantee” happiness by giving folks stuff. But in order to do that, the powers-that-be have to take from other citizens. That causes angst which is in opposition to happiness. The federal government now spends trillions on giveaways and wants more.

The Hunter Becomes the Prey

Bill O’Reilly:  It is beyond any doubt that while Hunter’s loathsome money-making schemes were being denied and censored, the phony Russian-Collusion story was being heavily promoted by the corporate press. The deceitful one-two media punch absolutely influenced the election of 2020. So by doing the math – this is the biggest media scandal in American history. And it’s not even close.

George Soros Is the Prince of Darkness

Bill O’Reily: He is a driving force behind electing far-left prosecutors. He champions their insane soft on crime policies like “no bail” laws and failure to enforce criminal statutes at all. Thousands of Americans have been killed in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia because violent criminals are often not prosecuted by corrupt DA’s – many of whom received significant campaign donations from the Soros organizations.

How to Defeat Putin

Bill O’Reilly: To break Putin, more sanctions are needed, and so is a ramp-up in western and Saudi oil production, so nobody buys fuel from Russia. The climate warriors will howl, but I say this: you really want to see Global Warming? Just wait til Putin drops a thermal on Brussels!

Putin’s Biden His Time

Bill O’Reilly: Putin’s Hitler imitation was not caused by Joe Biden, but he enabled it by attacking the American energy industry, thereby giving the evil Russian dictator billions in cash. While Biden was surrendering to the climate change warriors, Putin supplied oil and coal to the world – most notably to NATO allies.