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For Anti-Gun Groups, It Will Never Be Enough

Bearing Arms

Anti-gun groups need to justify their existence. If they get everything they say they “just” want, they’ll shift and demand new things. If guns were decreed illegal and were somehow stripped from existence, they’d simply start taking issue with bladed weapons and demand those be restricted and/or banned.

Anti-Gunner Uses Uvalde Anniversary to Call for Confiscation

Bearing Arms

It was a year ago that a cowardly killer ran into Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas and murdered 19 schoolkids and two of their teachers. Anti-gun activists insist that the only way to stop these attacks is by banning and confiscating so-called assault weapons. They’re using misinformation, outright falsehoods, and emotional exploitation to push their prohibitionist agenda.

Latest on Nashville Shooting

Bearing Arms

From what we know about this incident, the school security upgrades advocated for by Republicans after Parkland would have done the trick. No one’s talking whether this attack was politically motivated. We have a trans shooter and we have a Christian church. For many people, that’s all the connection they need.