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Simple Ideas to Ensure a Trump Victory

Ann Coulter

Idea #2: Try to go seven weeks without being a fanboy to the liberal media. Ordinary people would never have made the mistake of talking to Bob Woodward. Only a massively insecure social climber would say: “OMG! It’s Bob Woodward!!!” His job is to get people to tell him what they don’t want to tell him. It sounds like he didn’t even break a sweat with you.

Extra! Trump, a Fascist, Hates the Troops

Ann Coulter

Trump was tickled pink about “my generals,” until they all began behaving the way any sane, sentient person knew they would. They attacked the president in exchange for fawning media coverage and rushed to the press to denounce any suggestion of the possibility that America not be in as many wars as possible, at all times.

Where’s the “Talk” to Black Sons When We Need It?

Ann Coulter

There’s been a lot written about “The Talk,” the rite of passage lecture that black parents give their sons so that they won’t end up getting shot by the police. Having seen video footage of the arrests of George Floyd (fighting with cops), Rayshard Brooks (fighting with cops) and Jacob Blake (fighting with cops), it looks like at least some black men in America could use a refresher course on “The Talk.”

Does Anyone Want to Win This Election?

Ann Coulter

 Trump claims he’s the antidote to the mass riots in cities across the country, but what powers will he have after being reelected that he doesn’t have right now, while he’s already president? Our only alternative is the party that embraces Black Lives Matter. So your choice is: a president who denounces riots, looting and violence in the streets, but does nothing, or a president who actively supports the people doing the riots, looting and violence in the streets.

The Jared Kushner Achievement Award Goes to Kamala Harris

Ann Coulter

No offense, but Harris was picked because she’s a woman of color. So it’s not really that amazing that she’s a woman of color…But liberals are standing in their kitchens sobbing about Kamala’s “historic” achievement…This would be like Jared’s father bragging about his boy getting into Harvard. We all know Jared was a middling high school student but his dad greased the skids for him…Kamala is Jared Kushner. (Including the Jewish spouse!)

Why Are All the Antifa Girls Fatties?

Ann Coulter

(scroll to question #7): Because attractive girls know that all the talk about “toxic masculinity” and “patriarchy” is nonsense. Good-looking girls, even average-looking ones who bathe semi-regularly and don’t resemble elephants, know that they rule the world.

Don’t Be a Karen, Be a Becky

Ann Coulter

All strange men ought to set off some level of alarm bell in women, who are substantially weaker than men, have vastly less testosterone, and therefore should not be cops or soldiers. If a woman is wrong about a white guy — no harm, no foul. (In fact, the man would probably still be blamed.) If she’s wrong and it’s a black guy, heaven help her! She’s a Becky. Her life will be ruined.

The Democrats Are the Antifa Party

Ann Coulter

Democrats and the media want the federal government to brutally crack down on people who don’t wear masks — whatever the states say — but faced with an actual violent rebellion, the feds are supposed to stand back and let the governors lead!

Bastille Day Was the Beginning of Liberal Madness

Ann Coulter

Two days ago, the French celebrated Bastille Day, the mob attack on a Parisian prison that has come to symbolize the French Revolution, a period of massive violence that produced nothing other than a lot of dead Frenchmen. Their revolution was the screech of a mob, much as we are seeing in several of our own cities and towns today.

Antifa’s a Laugh Riot — Until It Comes for You

Ann Coulter

They’re all “peaceful protesters” — until they come near you. Imagine that instead of being a president, mayor or reporter in the vicinity of mentally unbalanced, historically illiterate, thuggishly violent lunatics … imagine that you, personally, are the window they want to smash.  Now you know what it’s like to be a conservative trying to give a speech on a college campus today. 

Great Moments in Racism: The Dash Cam Tapes

Ann Coulter

If you were watching MSNBC last Sunday, you may have seen Imani Perry, professor of African-American studies at Princeton University, and wondered, as I did, Why do I know that name?…But then I suddenly realized it’s that  Imani Perry! The one who nearly destroyed a policeman’s life by falsely accusing him of racism!

Yale Has to Go

Ann Coulter

Quick! Who was Fort Bragg named after? When you have to Google the guy on a statue to figure out who he is, maybe it’s not really the daily humiliation you claim it is…How about a bill withholding all federal funds from Yale University until it changes its name? The school’s namesake, Elihu Yale, was not only a slave owner, but a slave trader.

Why You No Longer Recognize Your Country

Ann Coulter

 What you’re seeing is the third-world hellhole the left has been quietly assembling for us since 1970. In Minnesota, instead of liberal but non-rioting Scandinavians and Germans, the new immigrants are overwhelmingly African, Asian and Hispanic. In fact, Minnesota now has a much larger proportion of Asian and African immigrants than the nation as a whole.

George Floyd Didn’t Die of Asphyxiation

Ann Coulter

According to the Hennepin County medical examiner’s report cited in the criminal complaint charging Officer Derek Chauvin with murder, he died of a heart attack. The autopsy also found Floyd had fentanyl in his system, had recently used methamphetamine, had coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. Two weeks ago, this would have been another COVID-19 death.

Trump and China: A Love Story

Ann Coulter

Trump does deserve a lot of the blame for the Wuhan virus by keeping — wait, checking my notes — NONE of his promises on China. This, the media will never mention. During the campaign, Trump sure talked a good game.

Liberalism, Like the Wuhan Virus, Will Never Die

Ann Coulter

I notice that the same people telling Americans they must remain at home indefinitely were indignant about closing bathhouses in response to the AIDS epidemic. Back then, the media and gays said: “How dare you ask us to shut down the bathhouses! They’re part of gay culture. It would be like asking Catholics to stop visiting the Sistine Chapel” But putting the entire country under stay-at-home orders? No problem. 

“I’ll Have the Chicken Testicle Soup, Hold the Deadly Virus”

Ann Coulter

The media would prefer if you would stop asking this question, but Americans who didn’t have to die are dead because of Wall Street’s decision to merge our economy with the Chinese, who have unusual eating habits. The Chinese eat wolf pups. But eating dog wasn’t weird enough. It didn’t give them a frisson of freakishness. They also eat bats, snakes and chicken testicles. 

The Bill for Globalism Has Arrived

Ann Coulter

Even before China gave us this latest viral disease — not to be confused with H1N1, Asian flu, SARS and bird flu, also from China — one of the most frequent questions about Amazon products was: “Is this made in China?”  Obviously, a lot of consumers would happily pay more to know that something is made in the USA — or at least not in China. We’d like to support our fellow Americans. We also prefer products that don’t kill the family pet, instantly fall apart or risk being embargoed during a viral pandemic. 

How Do We Flatten the Curve on Panic?

Ann Coulter

If the Chinese virus is enormously dangerous to people with certain medical conditions and those over 70, then shutting down the entire country indefinitely is probably a bad idea. But even when the time is right — by Easter, June or the fall — there will be no one to stop the quarantine because the media will continue to hype every coronavirus death, as if these are the only deaths that count and the only deaths that were preventable. 

Cheap TVs, Expensive Flu

Ann Coulter

We ought to surround old folks homes with the National Guard and call it a day. It would probably save more lives and wouldn’t destroy the economy.  But there’s no time to think about saving lives. The important thing is to stamp out the idea that a virus that originated in China has anything to do with China.