Senate Republicans should offer to convict Donald Trump in return for Democrats agreeing to fund the wall…If Democrats were to trade wall funding for the holy grail of a Trump conviction, they could save Biden’s presidency and humiliate Trump.
Publication: Ann Coulter
The Most Disloyal Man in History, Finally Finds a Cause Worth Fighting for
The reason Trump was a lazy, feckless coward for the past four years was that, once it got him elected, he didn’t see how the MAGA agenda did anything for him. And the reason he became a whirling dervish of demagogic activity last week was that it was all about him.
Here’s the Truth About Trump
Maybe Americans are terrified of the Democrats, but they are also sick of Trump.
Happy Kwanzaa, a Fake Holiday
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris recently tweeted: “…Whether you’re celebrating this year with those you live with or over Zoom, happy Kwanzaa!” Kwanzaa, celebrated exclusively by white liberals, is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers.
Is There a Vaccine Against Pandering?
It now appears that the greatest threat to black Americans isn’t Covid, it’s being pandered to death. As the distribution of vaccines got underway last week, the CDC was trying to ensure that black people would get the vaccine before the elderly (too white!), while the media were focused on rationalizing black people’s opposition to taking the vaccine at all.
Breonna Taylor: The True Story of a BLM Hero
I found out the true facts in the Breonna Taylor case! Remember the “botched raid” on Breonna’s apartment in Louisville last March, when police officers killed this innocent black woman as she slept in her bed?…It turns out, none of that is true….It seems that Breonna Taylor was knee-deep in the criminal enterprise of her sometime-boyfriend who was running a massive drug operation, selling crack cocaine and fentanyl…
Voter Fraud Never Happens (Except in These 10,000 Cases)
This year, liberals told us that Trump is LITERALLY HITLER and his defeat the single most important event of our lives — something you’ll tell your grandchildren about someday! But we’re supposed to believe they decided, this one time, they wouldn’t cheat? These are the people who tell you voter fraud is a crazy conspiracy theory.
Yes, They Cheat. We Have to Win Georgia Anyway
You have to knock this crap off, Georgia. It’s bad enough that the Democrats demanded — and won — such a laborious process to disqualify ballots with mismatched signatures that it was easier for election officials to just approve them all. But preventing poll watchers from observing and videoing the signature “matches” is insane.
Gee, Why Can’t Trump Accept Defeat Like the Dems?
In 1980, Democratic President Jimmy Carter lost in a landslide to Ronald Reagan, 489-49 in the Electoral College. So naturally, Democrats concluded that Reagan had committed treason in order to steal the election, to wit: His campaign had conspired with Iranian ayatollahs to prevent 52 American hostages from being released until after the election.
The Democrats’ Guide to Losing Gracefully
Here are the times Democrats have conceded a presidential election with grace and dignity – – – – – – – – – – – – – OK, now on to my column.
What Next?
The media can’t blame the next black man killed by cops on Trump and they can’t turn off the coronavirus panic. Does the virus suddenly go away because someone new is in the White House? The toughest job for the media is going to be coming up with an excuse to put Trump on the front page once he’s gone. Have they thought about what happens next?
“Ask Not What Your Country Is” — An Imagined Biden Inaugural Address
“I’m not at liberty to reveal my sources, but I have obtained a draft of President Joe Biden’s inaugural address. Trump, unfortunately, won’t be there to hear it. He will be holding a competing rally at RFK Stadium, also starting at 12 noon on Jan. 20.”
Should Trump Mention His Most Popular Issue Tonight?
In 2015, Donald Trump decided he was going to run for president on popular ideas. This was a stunning, historic breakthrough in American politics. He made his announcement in a speech talking about Mexican rapists, pledging to deport illegal aliens and build a wall. I’m thinking he should try it again this Thursday night.
Is Amy Coney Barrett the Most Qualified Candidate for the Supreme Court?
Of course! Much like being a police chief in modern America, apparently the No. 1 qualification for this job is: being a woman. I don’t know when my party signed onto identity politics, but I’m not happy about it either. At least we didn’t end up with America’s leading “Karen,” Kamala Harris.
Is Chris Wallace a White Supremacist?
Why on earth was Trump being badgered by both debate moderator Chris Wallace and Democratic nominee Joe Biden to denounce “white supremacy”? And why wasn’t Biden ever asked to condemn the nonstop violence by antifa that actually has been consuming the country for more than 100 nights now?…Why are we talking about the Proud Boys at all? How about asking the Sierra Club to renounce violence?
Simple Ideas to Ensure a Trump Victory
Idea #2: Try to go seven weeks without being a fanboy to the liberal media. Ordinary people would never have made the mistake of talking to Bob Woodward. Only a massively insecure social climber would say: “OMG! It’s Bob Woodward!!!” His job is to get people to tell him what they don’t want to tell him. It sounds like he didn’t even break a sweat with you.
Extra! Trump, a Fascist, Hates the Troops
Trump was tickled pink about “my generals,” until they all began behaving the way any sane, sentient person knew they would. They attacked the president in exchange for fawning media coverage and rushed to the press to denounce any suggestion of the possibility that America not be in as many wars as possible, at all times.
Where’s the “Talk” to Black Sons When We Need It?
There’s been a lot written about “The Talk,” the rite of passage lecture that black parents give their sons so that they won’t end up getting shot by the police. Having seen video footage of the arrests of George Floyd (fighting with cops), Rayshard Brooks (fighting with cops) and Jacob Blake (fighting with cops), it looks like at least some black men in America could use a refresher course on “The Talk.”
Does Anyone Want to Win This Election?
Trump claims he’s the antidote to the mass riots in cities across the country, but what powers will he have after being reelected that he doesn’t have right now, while he’s already president? Our only alternative is the party that embraces Black Lives Matter. So your choice is: a president who denounces riots, looting and violence in the streets, but does nothing, or a president who actively supports the people doing the riots, looting and violence in the streets.
The Jared Kushner Achievement Award Goes to Kamala Harris
No offense, but Harris was picked because she’s a woman of color. So it’s not really that amazing that she’s a woman of color…But liberals are standing in their kitchens sobbing about Kamala’s “historic” achievement…This would be like Jared’s father bragging about his boy getting into Harvard. We all know Jared was a middling high school student but his dad greased the skids for him…Kamala is Jared Kushner. (Including the Jewish spouse!)
Why Are All the Antifa Girls Fatties?
(scroll to question #7): Because attractive girls know that all the talk about “toxic masculinity” and “patriarchy” is nonsense. Good-looking girls, even average-looking ones who bathe semi-regularly and don’t resemble elephants, know that they rule the world.
America’s Most Gullible Journalist: “Visit Portland”
Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times is the most easily fooled journalist in America. Kristof assured Times readers that the Portland crowds are “entirely peaceful,” until around 11 p.m., when “some protesters begin to shoot fireworks or set small trash fires.”
Don’t Be a Karen, Be a Becky
All strange men ought to set off some level of alarm bell in women, who are substantially weaker than men, have vastly less testosterone, and therefore should not be cops or soldiers. If a woman is wrong about a white guy — no harm, no foul. (In fact, the man would probably still be blamed.) If she’s wrong and it’s a black guy, heaven help her! She’s a Becky. Her life will be ruined.
The Democrats Are the Antifa Party
Democrats and the media want the federal government to brutally crack down on people who don’t wear masks — whatever the states say — but faced with an actual violent rebellion, the feds are supposed to stand back and let the governors lead!