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Stop Talking About Ukraine, Republicans

Ann Coulter

Whenever you see any media talking about Ukraine, your Pavlovian response should be, Oh, I see. They don’t want me to think about immigration or crime. It’s not only the Democrats drawing benefits from the media’s sudden Ukraine obsession. There’s also the military-industrial complex.

Lockdowns Lose the Olympics

Ann Coulter

Vincent Zhou, the world-class figure skater forced to pull out of the Olympics because of Covid, can thank Anthony Fauci and our Covid-crazed media for his withdrawal…The safest course would have been to expose himself to everything in 2021, not be the Boy in the Bubble. If only he’d gotten omicron back in December, his immune system wouldn’t have been a sitting duck for the tiniest whiff of Covid once he got to Beijing.

It’s Hate White History Month

Ann Coulter

Parents would be tickled pink if teachers ever got around to teaching “actual facts about history.” The problem is: They’re doing nothing of the sort. What they’re doing is jamming anti-American propaganda down kids’ throats. In fact, if schools ever taught “actual facts about history,” liberals would squeal louder than when gay porn is removed from taxpayer-supported public high school libraries.

Trump’s Done According to the Message in the Polls

Ann Coulter

No one wants Trump. He’s fading faster than Sarah Palin did — and she was second place on a losing presidential ticket. For three years following that loss, Palin was packing stadiums with tens of thousands of Trump-like fans…Give voters a populist conservative who’s not a conman and they’ll be “Republicans” again. No wonder Trump hates DeSantis.

Happy Kwanzaa, the Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

Ann Coulter

Celebrated exclusively by white liberals, Kwanzaa is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Karenga — aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. Liberals have become so mesmerized by multicultural gibberish that they have forgotten the real history of Kwanzaa and Karenga’s United Slaves. Kwanzaa emerged not from Africa, but from the FBI’s COINTELPRO.

The Daunte Wright NY Times Readers Don’t Know

Ann Coulter

Daunte Wright is the half-black man fatally shot by a police officer in Minnesota earlier this year. But one thing Times readers will never be told is that Wright was facing criminal charges for trying to choke a woman to death while robbing her at gunpoint. They will also never hear about the lawsuit accusing Wright and an accomplice of shooting a guy during a carjacking.

Will Blacks Survive Racial Reckoning?

Ann Coulter

Wow, the racial reckoning after George Floyd sure has gotten a lot of black people killed! According to the FBI, amid the extravaganza of violence following Floyd’s death in 2020, an additional 2,400 black males and 405 black females were killed, compared to 2019.

The Fauci Who Cried Wolf

Ann Coulter

Long after it was clear that Covid was dangerous nearly exclusively for older people and the obese, Fauci lied, just as he once lied about AIDS being a risk for heterosexuals long after it became clear that it was almost entirely a problem for gay men and intravenous drug users…It seems that Fauci believes in “science” — except when he needs to frighten the entire population so as not to stigmatize the elderly and obese.

Tips on Fake News for Twitter’s New CEO

Ann Coulter

Twitter announced this week that Parag Agrawal will be the social media giant’s new CEO. (This is an incredible achievement for the Indian-born Agrawal, given that the selection process heavily favored people born in India.) He has a difficult job ahead of him, trying to maintain the site’s reputation for fast-paced, free-ranging commentary, while also keeping the platform free of dangerous misinformation.

Dems Post-Election Plan: Send More Immigrants to Virginia

Ann Coulter

Liberals thought they had a lock on Virginia.. They had a gigantic immigrant population (non-English speakers are a key Democratic constituency)…After Tuesday’s election, it looks like the Biden administration is going to have to ship a lot more immigrants into the Old Dominion. Bus in tens of thousands of Haitians and, in five or six years, McAuliffe can come out for white slavery and win.

Media Gone Wild (Over Trump)

Ann Coulter

Is there a political party for people who think Jan. 6 was dumb, notice that we don’t have a wall, and can read an election report, but still say Bush is a male bimbo and pretty much everything liberals said about him was true? “Trumpism Without Trump” is the winning formula. We’re keeping the policies, but getting rid of the 8-year-old.

Kill Back Better

Ann Coulter

Kim Foxx, the state’s attorney for Cook County and darling of MSNBC, has managed to increase murders in Chicago to astounding levels even at a time when we’re all getting used to astounding crime figures…As dead bodies pile up in Chicago under Foxx, remember: This is the criminal justice “reform” Democrats want for the country.

The Real Anti-Vaxxers

Ann Coulter

The very people demanding that everyone get vaccinated are the same ones telling us vaccines don’t work all that well, so maybe we’d better just keep wearing masks, quarantining, working remotely and staying home from school. Do the vaccines work or don’t they? If they work, we’ll thank you to stop bossing us around now.

Gray Lives Matter

Ann Coulter

The moving force behind this frenzied destruction of American history like the destruction of the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee isn’t black people suddenly offended by monuments that have been around for a century; it’s pushy newcomers, bitter that their ancestors had nothing to do with the creation of this country.

We Welcomed a “Murderous Cult to Our Nation”

Ann Coulter

(From her Sept. 12, 2001 column “This Is War”): Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. 

Who Are the “Americans” Who Need to Leave Afghanistan?

Ann Coulter

Speaking of home-grown, apple-cheeked, boy-next-door terrorists, who are the “Americans” still needing to be airlifted out of Afghanistan? Why can’t we have the names? The media want me to think they’re all Pat Tillman, but I have a sneaking suspicion they’re more in the mold of Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, who committed the P:ulse nightclub attack..