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Media Gone Wild (Over Trump)

Ann Coulter

Is there a political party for people who think Jan. 6 was dumb, notice that we don’t have a wall, and can read an election report, but still say Bush is a male bimbo and pretty much everything liberals said about him was true? “Trumpism Without Trump” is the winning formula. We’re keeping the policies, but getting rid of the 8-year-old.

Kill Back Better

Ann Coulter

Kim Foxx, the state’s attorney for Cook County and darling of MSNBC, has managed to increase murders in Chicago to astounding levels even at a time when we’re all getting used to astounding crime figures…As dead bodies pile up in Chicago under Foxx, remember: This is the criminal justice “reform” Democrats want for the country.

The Real Anti-Vaxxers

Ann Coulter

The very people demanding that everyone get vaccinated are the same ones telling us vaccines don’t work all that well, so maybe we’d better just keep wearing masks, quarantining, working remotely and staying home from school. Do the vaccines work or don’t they? If they work, we’ll thank you to stop bossing us around now.

Gray Lives Matter

Ann Coulter

The moving force behind this frenzied destruction of American history like the destruction of the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee isn’t black people suddenly offended by monuments that have been around for a century; it’s pushy newcomers, bitter that their ancestors had nothing to do with the creation of this country.

We Welcomed a “Murderous Cult to Our Nation”

Ann Coulter

(From her Sept. 12, 2001 column “This Is War”): Airports scrupulously apply the same laughably ineffective airport harassment to Suzy Chapstick as to Muslim hijackers. It is preposterous to assume every passenger is a potential crazed homicidal maniac. We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. 

Who Are the “Americans” Who Need to Leave Afghanistan?

Ann Coulter

Speaking of home-grown, apple-cheeked, boy-next-door terrorists, who are the “Americans” still needing to be airlifted out of Afghanistan? Why can’t we have the names? The media want me to think they’re all Pat Tillman, but I have a sneaking suspicion they’re more in the mold of Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, who committed the P:ulse nightclub attack..

Joe vs the Swamp

Ann Coulter

At least bringing the Stone Age peasants here defeats one objection of the forever-war crowd. They claim that because of our withdrawal, Afghanistan will become a training ground for terrorists. No worries on that count. With 100,000 “translators,” each of their four wives, 14 children and innumerable uncles and cousins all coming here, Al Qaeda’s next training ground will be America.

DACA: Degenerate Arsonists? Come Aboard!

Ann Coulter

The New York Times recently ran an indignant article on the Department of Justice’s arrest of two fugitives in Mexico who were accused of involvement in a mostly peaceful arson during the #BLM protests in the Twin Cities last year. t seems our arsonist heroes are Jose Angel Felan Jr., a Mexican immigrant with multiple felony convictions, and his accomplice, Mena Dyaha Yousif, an Iraqi generously taken in by this country as a child because of a war in her own country.

Parenthood Has Driven Our Policy Elite Mad

Ann Coulter

Currently, the most embarrassing of the allegedly populist right-wing enthusiasms is the pro-natalist position. The idea is that family formation is good for society, so why not create government programs that encourage family formation? Sens. Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio, The New York Times’ Ross Douthat, and “Hillbilly Elegy” author J.D. Vance, among others, want to pay women to have children.

The Vaccine Karens

Ann Coulter

If I weren’t already staunchly pro-vaccination, the vaccine zealots would turn me against the Covid shot. The proof that they’re practicing religion and not science is their refusal to acknowledge the immunity a person gets from natural infection. Lots of people have already been infected, so why can’t we count them the same as vaccinated?

What’s Dumber Than CRT? CNN

Ann Coulter

“Critical race theory” is a subtle philosophical construct where the answer to everything is: THAT’S RACIST! Teachers hawking this glop are being defended by their journalist allies, who sneer that CRT critics are too stupid to understand the nuances of the theory. The Aristotelian ideal of this sneer was Elle Reeve’s “special report” for CNN — pre-taped to eliminate any danger of Elle being contradicted by someone smarter, such as a 10-year-old.

Critical Race Theory Is Complex — Oh, Who Are We Kidding?

Ann Coulter

Now that the teachers’ anti-white agenda has been exposed, the left is spinning a series of increasingly hilarious defenses of “critical race theory,” which is just a more boring version of the left’s usual hatred of Western civilization Their position is that they simply can’t discuss CRT with you because it’s too complex and can only be understood by high-level graduate students after years of study.

Don’t Stop at Juneteenth

Ann Coulter

Think of all the new federal holidays we could create using Juneteenth as our template! Thus, for example, next month we should have some bright young fellow gallop up to a BLM rally and announce that systemic racism no longer exists. The date would be remembered each year as the Julyteenth holiday.

Voting Rights: It’s “Racist” Not to Let Dems Cheat

Ann Coulter

Why aren’t Republicans screaming from the rooftops about the Democrats’ plans to change voting rules to give themselves an advantage? Their sleazy election bills, HR 1, the “For the People Act,” and HR 4, the “John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,” are intended to help Democrats win majorities in both houses of Congress, at which point they will ignore Republicans entirely…

Why Is Protecting White Serial Killers?

Ann Coulter

My entire life I’ve had to listen to liberals wail about all the “innocent” people on death row. They pretended to be against murder, just deeply horrified by the idea that we might execute “the wrong man.” Now we have the technology to make identifications that are infallible — and liberals say we can’t use it because of their concern about maintaining the serial killer’s privacy.

Rebekah Jones, the Crazy Lady

Ann Coulter

Before the media turned Jones into their next Erin Brockovich, they might have done 10 seconds of Googling to find out that Jones’ past includes stalking, battery on a police officer, repeated incarcerations, an institutionalization, an ankle monitor, a restraining order and court-ordered medication. And that’s long before the DeSantis administration hired her as a web designer.

“I Will Not Be Scienced!”

Ann Coulter

After a year of being browbeaten by THE SCIENTISTS not to wear a mask, to wear a mask, to wear double masks, to get vaccinated and still wear a mask, our analytic overlords are still no closer to determining the tiny little issue of where this virus came from.