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The Truth About Natural Immunity Has Been Suppressed

Ann Coulter

Contrary to hysterical warnings in 2020 that “people you know” will die from COVID and “it’s definitely not just the flu,” I still don’t know anyone who knows anyone who died from COVID. For most people, it was “just the flu.” How could the truth about natural immunity be suppressed for so long?

Nikki Haley Offers Moral Instructions to the U.S.

Ann Coulter

Nikki Haley’s announcement that she was running for president reminded me of my lifelong dream to move to India, so I can boss around Indians and tell them to stop worshipping cows and rats. It’s bad enough when 11th-generation Americans disrespect our country, but enraging when recent arrivals do.

Police Don’t Stop People at Random

Ann Coulter

They stop people whom they believe to be breaking the law. Judging by the pantheon of black martyrs, they’re often right…Guys, we want to help! But you’ve got to abandon this impulse to turn any member of your group who fights a cop into a beatified saint.

Time to Bring Back the Death Penalty

Ann Coulter

The use of DNA to arrest Bryan Kohberger for the murder of four college students reminds me that it’s time to bring the death penalty back. Notwithstanding the absence of a single example, the possibility of executing the “wrong man” has been the left’s main line against the death penalty. Thanks to the miracle of DNA the murderer can usually be identified with 99.99% accuracy.

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

Ann Coulter

Celebrated exclusively by white liberals, Kwanzaa is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Karenga — aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. Liberals have become so mesmerized by multicultural gibberish that they have forgotten the real history of Kwanzaa and Karenga’s United Slaves.

Gays, You’re Not Black

Ann Coulter

For at least a half-century now, every special pleader in America has made the following argument: Yeah, but what if we were black? This is supposed to be rhetorical kryptonite, capable of anathematizing “discrimination” against any group: atheists, women, gays, immigrants, illegal immigrants, the disabled, Muslims — basically anyone except a fully abled, cis-gendered, white male born in this country.

That Old Trump Magic

Ann Coulter

The fact that Herschel Walker barely lost his Senate runoff in Georgia demonstrates beyond a doubt that ANY OTHER REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE WOULD HAVE WON. We have to get to the bottom of who chose Herschel. Oh! Look — it was Donald Trump.

Nick Fuentes Is the Happiest Guy in America

Ann Coulter

He’s made it now! You can’t turn on the TV without seeing Fuentes talking about imposing a Catholic dictatorship, Hitler is great, women should be forced to marry young and have children, and Trump must be made dictator for life. Is he humiliated? No! He’s on TEE-VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! The irony is: All the cable news hosts making Fuentes a star are driven by the same weird compulsion.

A Nation Rejoices! A Humiliating Defeat for Trump

Ann Coulter

When the Republican governor of the second-largest state wins his reelection by 55% and the Republican governor of the third-largest state wins by 60%, the GOP doesn’t need another one of its moronic “autopsies” of the party, promising to be just like the Democrats. The only thing we need now is an autopsy of Trump.

Crime Deniers on the Ballot in All 50 States

Ann Coulter

It’s not the government’s job to probe criminals’ psyches. These are predators, monsters, feral beasts attacking civilization, with no regard for your property, bodily integrity or life. The government’s only job is to keep them away from us, not to ensure that they have fulfilling lives.

For More Crime, Vote Democrat

Ann Coulter

No Democrat can support any policy that would reduce crime because, unfortunately, that would simply not be possible without putting more “black bodies” in prison. The Democratic Party treats black criminals as sacred beings, much like the temple in India where they worship rats.

Venezuela’s Welfare Has Run Out So Now They Want Ours

Ann Coulter

The illegal Venezuelans in our country haven’t killed anybody yet, as far as we know. They’re more like a homeless guy who shows up on your doorstep after a lifetime of bad choices and demands that you give him your house. Perhaps, just this once, we should defer to the wisdom of our moral betters on Martha’s Vineyard and tell the Venezuelans: We love you! Now get the hell out.

Show Us the Way, Rich Liberals!

Ann Coulter

On NPR, Vineyard radio host Eve Zuckoff began with a testimonial about how “the community rallied”! But unfortunately, “there isn’t the infrastructure.” What do these great humanitarians imagine dirt-poor towns in south Texas have in terms of “infrastructure”?

Teen Girl Enthusiasms Are Twitching, Cutting and Trans

Ann Coulter

All I needed to know about the transgender craze was that, in a survey of parents of transitioning teens, 92% were women, 71% had a bachelor’s or graduate degree, 86% favored gay marriage and 91% were white. It appears to be a medical condition that afflicts almost exclusively the offspring of liberal white women.

Lock Up Criminals, Even Black Ones

Ann Coulter

The criminals are out among us. There’s no possible way to evaluate a stranger, except the statistics. E.g.: Blacks, who make up about 20% of New York’s population, commit more than 70% of the shootings. In Los Angeles, blacks are only 8% of the population, but commit nearly half of the murders.