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No One Cares About Government Spending

Ann Coulter

This is no time to be hot-shots for causes that won’t get you a single vote. But you know what would be hugely popular? There’s not a corner of this country that isn’t sick to death of “migrants” (illegal aliens) streaming into their towns and neighborhoods. And this horror show, now playing nationwide, is 100% Biden’s fault. 100%.

NYC’s Immigrant Crisis Is Never Going to End

Ann Coulter

More than one hundred thousand migrants have already arrived, and there’s no end in sight.   With the city rushing to give them handouts like free housing and “culturally appropriate” meals ,they’re not going to stop coming, and it’s highly doubtful we can convince them to commit suicide, either. We’ll be paying to clothe, house and feed them forever.

Debate Advice for Republicans: Issues, Not Oprah

Ann Coulter

President Trump may have been a pathetic crybaby too ascared to fire his own attorney general, but in 2016, it was all image, and candidate Trump came across as strong. Don’t fall into traps of presenting yourself as a weakling, candidates. Remember that you’re running to be leader of the free world. Cat ladies aren’t voting for you. Republicans are.

How to Be a NY Times Reporter

Ann Coulter

A NY Times reporter’s mission is to find out what kind of story would help the Democrats at any particular moment in time, and then write it, no matter how preposterous. Obviously, skills in sophistry and legerdemain are crucial.

Only One Person Killed at J6 Riots

Ann Coulter

The police officer who killed George Floyd when he was resisting arrest is serving 22 years in prison. The law enforcement officer who killed Babbitt when she was trespassing is accepting hearty congratulations for killing a Trump supporter.

GOP Pols Should Avoid Talking About Trump

Ann Coulter

Democrats have won three national elections in a row by making them all about Trump. Unless the GOP is intent on committing suicide, their No. 1 objective has got to be preventing this from happening again. Every Republican candidate for president (except Chris Christie) has got to take this pledge.

Could Somebody Keep Trump’s Promises?

Ann Coulter

If there is hope for America — and I’m doubtful — it came at 10 a.m. Monday in Eagle Pass, Texas, when Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis unveiled his immigration plan.Much of the document is strikingly similar to Donald Trump’s immigration plan from waaaaay back in 2016, the only minor exceptions being that DeSantis understands what it says and fully intends to carry it out.

Liberals Have Trump Dead to Rights for Committing Felonies

Ann Coulter

Any Republican who thought he could get away with doing something illegal because Democrats did it first is too stupid to be our champion, much less the Republican nominee for president. You want to do something about the double standard, right-wingers? Run someone who enrages the left by winning, not by constantly creating legal messes benefiting no one but himself.

CNN: If It Bores, It Scores

Ann Coulter

The problem isn’t so much how news is covered, it’s what news is covered. Here are a few good stories that I’ll bet CNN didn’t mention at all, certainly not with the lavish coverage given to Ukraine, a country of absolutely no relevance to any American’s life. Last month, Washington state enacted a law allowing minors to hide from their parents in order to undergo gender transitions.

The Anniversary the Media Would Prefer You Forget

Ann Coulter

Are the media (and Dems, and Hollywood, and corporate America, and the universities and military and Biden) hoping we’ll forget about their weird campaign to make black Americans even angrier? Since May 25, 2020, when George Floyd died, the message delivered to Blacks has been that they live in a country steeped in White supremacy, anything bad that happens to them is proof of racism, and the police are trying to kill them.

No Biggie, Just the End of Civilization

Ann Coulter

Please read this right now: Heather Mac Donald’s new book, “When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives.” It seems that in the hysteria that followed George Floyd’s death in 2020, we agreed to destroy all of Western civilization — law, music, art, education, policing, science and medicine — to make up for black people not doing well on standardized tests.

How to Bribe the Supreme Court

I would wager that most people would prefer ceaseless public praise to a cruise, no matter how nice the yacht. The U.S. Postal Service produced an RBG “Forever” stamp; the U.S. Navy named an oiler the “Ruth Bader Ginsburg”; the Cleveland Museum of Natural History named a species of praying mantis after her; a Sam Adams beer was named in her honor; and she received honorary degrees from literally dozens upon dozens of universities.

Expel Them Again

Ann Coulter

Apparently, we’ve returned to the Treating-Black-People-Like-Children phase of “Diversity.” I just wish liberals would state their racism plainly: We simply can’t expect black people to abide by white norms of dignity and decorum.

Republicans Are Being Played

Ann Coulter

Democrats are playing Republicans like a fiddle. The left’s sole objective is to make Trump the Republicans’ 2024 presidential nominee. He’s already lost three election cycles for the GOP — why not make it four?