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Hold the Pulitzers for Mainstream Media

Ann Coulter

Everyone at fake news MSNBC, marginally less fake news NBC, and totally fake news CNN — hosts, guests, legal experts and national security analysts — should be told, “Clean out your lockers. Put all your things in cardboard cartons. If you need to go back, you will be escorted by security.”

Free Felicity Huffman

Ann Coulter

It’s one thing for colleges to discount SAT scores in order to admit more descendants of American slaves — not to be confused with the Somali who arrived last week. But now that the baby boomers are running things, the SATs are irrelevant for pretty much everybody.  As Ilhan Omar would say, it’s all about the Benjamins. Strip Kushner of his degree or stop picking on Felicity Huffman. 

Hush Little Porn Star, Don’t Say a Word

Ann Coulter

I gather I was supposed to gasp when Michael Cohen said during his testimony before Congress on Wednesday, “The president of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws.”  If that’s the best he’s got, Trump should demand we hold the election this coming Tuesday. 

Pussy (Hats) Whipped

Ann Coulter

That’s all you got? Two years of non-stop campaigning, denouncing and doxing — and all the Resistance has to show for it is a House majority smaller than the one Republicans currently have and a net loss of three Senate seats? (Thank you, Justice Brett Kavanaugh!)

Trump Was Right About the Central Park Rapists

Ann Coulter

The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out soon after that attack with the headline: Bring Back the Death Penalty.