The evidence that pot, and pot alone, triples your chances of developing a psychosis is overwhelming….I thought the American media’s universal, exhaustive, flood-the-zone lying about immigration could never be matched for any other subject.
Publication: Ann Coulter
Hold the Pulitzers for Mainstream Media
Everyone at fake news MSNBC, marginally less fake news NBC, and totally fake news CNN — hosts, guests, legal experts and national security analysts — should be told, “Clean out your lockers. Put all your things in cardboard cartons. If you need to go back, you will be escorted by security.”
Free Felicity Huffman
It’s one thing for colleges to discount SAT scores in order to admit more descendants of American slaves — not to be confused with the Somali who arrived last week. But now that the baby boomers are running things, the SATs are irrelevant for pretty much everybody. As Ilhan Omar would say, it’s all about the Benjamins. Strip Kushner of his degree or stop picking on Felicity Huffman.
Trump Is Moving in the Opposite Direction of What He Promised
For someone unable to fulfill the most basic of his immigration promises, Trump has been amazingly competent in accomplishing the things Wall Street wanted, but no one else did.
How a Democrat Pedophile Became a Trump Scandal
Jeffrey Epstein was a “friend” of Donald Trump’s the same way he is a “friend” of Pinch Sulzberger by virtue of reading The New York Times. He’s been to Trump’s club. (That is, until Trump barred him for propositioning the underage daughter of a member.)
Hush Little Porn Star, Don’t Say a Word
I gather I was supposed to gasp when Michael Cohen said during his testimony before Congress on Wednesday, “The president of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the payment of hush money as part of a criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws.” If that’s the best he’s got, Trump should demand we hold the election this coming Tuesday.
Trump’s Failing and Don’t Ask Ann Coulter to Lie About It
While I admire people’s loyalty to the first presidential candidate to speak honestly about America’s problems, what if they’re being loyal to a false front? The bill President Trump signed last Friday is worse than anything Hillary could ever have gotten through Congress.
Guest Columnist Donald J. Trump: Why We Must Have a Border Wall
On account of the president’s “cowardly retreat” from the wall, Ann Coulter is too angry to type. In her place, Coulter has selected Trump’s quotes from the past four years calling for the building of a wall.
Hey Commander! Start Commanding
Mr. President, break ground today!
Who Benefits from Immigration? Not You
The money illegal immigrants send out of the country doesn’t come from their low wages. It comes from the taxpayers, who are required to subsidize immigrants so that investment bankers can have cheap nannies.
Coulter to Trump: Break Ground, Not Promises
We’ve heard your speeches. We know you understand the crisis, and you know what needs to be done. But none of that will mean anything if you don’t take action — not in a month, not in a week, but today. BREAK GROUND TODAY.
White Supremacy Is Nothing But a Comfortable Fantasy the Left Developed
Talk about a manufactured crisis! The same people who love to snicker about Fox News viewers worrying about Sharia law sweeping the country are convinced that mythical “white supremacists” are hiding under every bed.
Media Throw Everything at the Wall to See What Sticks
Now that Trump has finally turned to the campaign promise that won him the election — build a wall and deport illegals — the Democrats, the media and even most Republicans are hysterical. Just remember: They were hysterical about Ronald Reagan, too. You don’t change history by being a follower,
The Willie Horton Ad Was Bush’s Finest 30 Seconds
Far from representing the “low road,” the Willie Horton ad was the greatest campaign commercial in political history. The ad was the reason we have political campaigns.
GOP to Dems: Here, Take Our Wallets, Too!
Voters are just supposed to accept that, unless Republicans win an election by an insuperable margin, the Democrats will steal it. And the thieving is cheered on by our media.
Pussy (Hats) Whipped
That’s all you got? Two years of non-stop campaigning, denouncing and doxing — and all the Resistance has to show for it is a House majority smaller than the one Republicans currently have and a net loss of three Senate seats? (Thank you, Justice Brett Kavanaugh!)
Presidents Can End Citizenship of Anchor Babies
Of course the president can end the citizenship of “anchor babies” by executive order — for the simple reason that no Supreme Court or U.S. Congress has ever conferred such a right. It’s just something everyone believes to be true.
The GOP Needs to Updates Dems’ Cage Match Rules
The next nomination hearing will make Kavanaugh’s look like an ice cream social. Just because it didn’t work this time doesn’t mean Republicans’ work is done. They have to make sure this never happens again.
Ann Coulter on Kavanaugh: “I Am in Awe of His Manliness”
Hemingway has nothing on this guy! He should be our president.
The Left Is Close to Having a Governing Majority Because of Immigration
The very reason the left loathes Trump is that he promised to stop their hostile takeover of our country. But instead of sticking it to his enemies by blocking their depraved agenda, he has fallen into their trap.
The ACLU Won’t Rest Until Every Illegal Gets In
Among the facts journalists might have learned is that, although the Constitution technically gives Congress the power to write laws, it turns out our immigration laws are written by the ACLU.
Trump Was Right About the Central Park Rapists
The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out soon after that attack with the headline: Bring Back the Death Penalty.
Country Overboard! Women and Children Last
Primitive people will not stop trying to come here until America is no different from Calcutta. Then, liberals’ work will be done. And there will be no charity ward left for anyone to flee to. That’s how much liberals care about women and children.
Harvey Weinstein and the Clinton Protection Racket
The liberal protection racket for sexual predators was always intimately intertwined with the Clintons. The template used to defend Bill Clinton became a model for all left-wing sexual predators.