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Happy Kwanzaa! Brought to You by the FBI

Ann Coulter

Kwanzaa, celebrated exclusively by white liberals, is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Karenga — aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. Liberals have become so mesmerized by multicultural gibberish that they have forgotten the real history of Kwanzaa and Karenga’s United Slaves.

There Is No Technical Grounds for Impeachment

Ann Coulter

The left has gone from “literally shaking” on election night 2016, to “literally shaking” at Trump firing the FBI director (a.k.a. “his employee”), to “literally shaking” at Trump engaging in foreign policy…The media pretend the president engaging in standard foreign policy is a big constitutional crisis. It is, but not the way they mean. 

Who’s Doing the Raping? Don’t Ask “Law & Order SVU”

Ann Coulter

Bestial behavior toward women and children is a hallmark of primitive, peasant cultures — the cultures we are importing by the million. The hallmark of civilized cultures is to arrest and imprison child rapists. But the brain-dead writers of “Law & Order SVU” invent little stories to demoralize the defenders of civilization, so we can let the incest and child rape flow!

Luckily, Dems Never Have “Personal, Political” Motives

Ann Coulter

Apart from the blindingly obvious fact that you can’t commit crimes and then escape justice simply by running for president, Democrats take official government action for “personal, political” reasons all the time. Frequently, they do so for the sole purpose of harming their political opponents. President Barack Obama’s IRS investigated and harassed conservative groups for years, using the most fearsome arm of the government to punish political enemies — for personal, political reasons.

Mass Incarceration Saved Black America

Ann Coulter

The left… has no recollection of the living nightmare produced by Great Liberal Ideas About Crime.
Brooklyn hipsters blithely go about their business, completely unaware that their trendy neighborhoods were war zones in the 1970s, 1980s — and well into the 1990s. Walking those streets meant you were taking your life into your hands. Thanks to Republicans’ aggressive law-and-order policies, today, most U.S. cities are astonishingly safe. Crime is at its lowest level in decades.

Americans Don’t Trust Gun Regulation in Liberals’ Dirty Hands

Ann Coulter

Actress Debra Messing is collecting names of Trump supporters for a new Hollywood blacklist. Armed and masked left-wing brown-shirts patrol the streets of Portland, Oregon, beating up suspected Trump supporters. I tweet, “It’s a nice day,” and 2,000 people respond that they hope I will die. We’re dealing with people who are not honest brokers. We can no longer have any expectation of good faith, sound process or common sense.

Over Labor Day Weekend, Beware of Drunk Driving Illegals

Ann Coulter

As we head into the long Labor Day weekend…remember to watch out for drunk driving illegal aliens! The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued report after report showing that Hispanics are wildly overrepresented in drunk driving accidents (but also contribute so much to our cultural life, musical heritage and landscape!)

What the El Paso Shooter Learned from Immigrants

Ann Coulter

The shooter’s primary motive was, as he put it, to “(defend) my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.” So he had an ethnic reason and a territorial reason. Who is constantly bragging about their ethnic group? Who makes territorial claims on America on behalf of their ethnic group?IMMIGRANTS!

Mueller Has a Reputation…

Ann Coulter

It is apparently part of Robert Mueller’s contract with the media that he must always be described as “honorable” and a “lifelong Republican.”… If it matters that Mueller is a “lifelong Republican,” then I guess it matters that he hired a team of left-wing zealots. Of the 17 lawyers in Mueller’s office, 14 are registered Democrats. Not one is a registered Republican.

Trump Angle Fuels Acosta-Epstein Story

Ann Coulter

The only reason for the media’s flood-the-zone coverage of Epstein — 13 years late — is that they think they’ve found a Trump connection. Oh happy day. (Trump was friendly with Epstein 15 years ago — before banning him from Mar-a-Lago for life after he hit on a young girl working there.)

Let’s Talk About Charlottesville

Ann Coulter

So Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign talking about Charlottesville…I am in no mood to defend Trump, but the media’s wholesale lying about Charlottesville is too much for any sane person to take. Everything the media say about it is the very definition of “fake news.”  No human being, dead or alive, has condemned “white supremacists” more than Trump has.

All Hail President Javanka

Ann Coulter

While other reporters waste their time examining Donald Trump’s public statements, interviewing his high school classmates and poring over legal filings, investigative reporter Vicky Ward has produced the definitive book on our current president (Ivanka and Jared).