How was Joy Reid to deduce that her show was in trouble? Fortunately for Joy, there is no truer Friend-of-Black-People than her erstwhile MSNBC colleague Rachel Maddow, who lives in a town, Cummington, Massachusetts, that is “0.0%” black.
Publication: Ann Coulter
Musk Attack on Waste Threatens the Status Quo
Desperate to protect government employees who are paid upward of $100,000 a year to surf porn all day (or do something even more disgusting, like funnel money to USAID), Democrats are beside themselves about Elon Musk.
If It Please the Court, Who the Hell Asked You?
The judiciary’s role is to resolve disputes, not to declare what the law is. Interpreting law is merely incidental to resolving disputes — just as it is incidental to the president faithfully executing the laws.
600,000 Men Died for Anchor Babies
Give me a scenario where, immediately after the Civil War, Americans felt compelled to amend our Constitution so that, 100 years hence, a pregnant Mexican could run across the border, drop a kid, and that kid would be a citizen, entitled to all welfare and education benefits, who could then bring in six more relatives.
A Bad Year for the Wall Street Journal
Who was Monday worse for? MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal or people on the streets of D.C. selling MLK merch? I say the Journal. The Journal is supposed to be a Republican newspaper.
Hegseth Grilled by Feminist Fantasists
Defense secretary nominee Pete Hegseth’s grilling by the Senate Armed Services Committee about his opposition to women in combat would have to come the very week that Los Angeles’ all-female leadership team was performing so masterfully at subduing wildfires. The way things are going, the fires should be out by Memorial Day.
The Military That Cried “White Supremacy”
In retrospect, maybe the military should have spent a little less time worrying about “white supremacists” and paid more attention to black Muslims. As you’ve no doubt heard by now, an Army veteran, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, who happened to be a black Muslim, slaughtered 14 New Year’s revelers in New Orleans last week.
New Year’s Resolutions for Indian Immigrants
I will not steal intellectual property, plagiarize someone else’s research or manipulate my own research results, a practice so widespread in my ancestral home that the Office of the United States Trade Representative put India on a blacklist of IP thieves.
Kill Obamacare, Not CEOs
Valedictorian McDonald’s boy’s rage is justified but wildly misses the target because literally everything wrong with health care was given to us by Barack Obama and the Democrats.
The Enemy of My Enemy Is RFK Jr
Real scientists like Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff should be brought in to run the CDC, NIH, FDA and so on. But at the top, overseeing the whole public health apparatus as head of Health and Human Services, we need someone whose overall approach is driven by utter contempt for the arrogant “health” bureaucrats who’ve done so much damage to our country.
Black Girl Magic Beaten by White Male Competence
In retrospect, maybe running the DEI hire for president was not a good idea.
Take Two Million Immigrants and Call Me in the Morning
At this point, the only thing we know for sure about the presidential election is that if Donald Trump loses, it will be because of his personality, and if he wins, it will be because of immigration.
It’s Not Your Father’s Pot Anymore
Legalizing marijuana is the last step, the silver bullet to the heart of what’s left of our country. Tantalize the public with a drug that will turn them into low-IQ losers, crashing cars, and rushing to emergency rooms with their cannabis-induced scromiting (uncontrollable screaming and vomiting at the same time — one of the many charming side-effects of widely available pot).
Walz Is the Dems’ Idea of a Regular Guy
Hoping to distract from his party’s hatred of working-class white men, Walz incessantly boasts that he’s a “unionman,” as if he’s Marlon Brando in “On the Waterfront.” But he wasn’t a coal miner or steelworker. He was a teacher, meaning he spent up to eight hours a day in a comfortable, temperature-controlled classroom, couldn’t be fired and got summers off.
The Real Kamala Harris
It’s crazy for Donald Trump not to agree to another debate. While he may not be everybody’s cup of tea, his opponent is an absolute lunatic who could do permanent damage to our country, in addition to the damage that she’s already done. The media sure aren’t going to alert the public to this looming danger. It’s up to Trump.
The Debate About the Debate
The media say Trump whiffed Tuesday night, but that’s what we were told in 2016, too. It also could be that Kamala Harris came across as a smirker — MSNBC’s signature move — just like Hillary Clinton did.
Biden’s Speech Was Told by an Idiot, Full of Sound and Fury
As the world now knows, he obviously had no concept of anything being done in his name over the past four years. Instead, his presidency was a joint project of his longtime advisers, important Democratic constituencies, his VP and that nice Filipino lady who helps him to the commode.
Ann Coulter’s Proposed Deal with the MAGA Base
This is the last @#$%^&* time I vote for Trump. In exchange for the votes of those of us who noticed that Trump didn’t build a wall, deport “Dreamers,” jettison the carried interest loophole or end the anchor baby scam (etc.), leaving us with nothing but Trump’s charming personality, you’re agreeing to never run him for president again.
Is Kamala Black?
The “diversity” regime — allowing the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants to demand recompense owed only to the descendants of American slaves — is nothing but open, vicious discrimination against only one ethnic group. You still want to vote for a party that hates you because you’re white?
How Kamala Climbed the Peaks of DEI
DEI proponents have denounced the suggestion that Harris is a DEI hire on the grounds that Biden did not expressly say his VP had to be a black woman. As Whoopi Goldberg indignantly pointed out, “[Biden] never said that. He said that he was thinking about a woman. He never said her color.” Oh, cut the crap.
The Prosecutor vs the Felon
OK, Democrats, you want to make this campaign about crime? Game on. Guess who is one of the principal figures responsible for the crime wave currently engulfing California? That would be Kamala Harris.
Are Those Bullets in Your NPR Tote Bag?
Apparently, the left has concluded that the best way to avoid political violence in the future is to ratchet up their dire warnings about the end of democracy presaged by a second Trump presidency. Two days after the shooting, Vox announced in a headline, “Yes, it’s still fair to call Trump a threat to democracy.”
SCOTUS Girls Gone Wild
With just two more votes on the Supreme Court, these deranged liberal justices would turn every city in America into a dystopian nightmare where zombie drug addicts crap outdoors and get high all day.
How Trump Will Lose the Debate
With help from his clueless donors and even more clueless wingman, Fox News, he’s blowing off his available voters in order to chase the pipe dream of winning the black and Hispanic vote.