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The Debate About the Debate

The media say Trump whiffed Tuesday night, but that’s what we were told in 2016, too. It also could be that Kamala Harris came across as a smirker — MSNBC’s signature move — just like Hillary Clinton did.

Ann Coulter’s Proposed Deal with the MAGA Base

This is the last @#$%^&* time I vote for Trump. In exchange for the votes of those of us who noticed that Trump didn’t build a wall, deport “Dreamers,” jettison the carried interest loophole or end the anchor baby scam (etc.), leaving us with nothing but Trump’s charming personality, you’re agreeing to never run him for president again.

Is Kamala Black?

The “diversity” regime — allowing the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants to demand recompense owed only to the descendants of American slaves — is nothing but open, vicious discrimination against only one ethnic group. You still want to vote for a party that hates you because you’re white?

How Kamala Climbed the Peaks of DEI

DEI proponents have denounced the suggestion that Harris is a DEI hire on the grounds that Biden did not expressly say his VP had to be a black woman. As Whoopi Goldberg indignantly pointed out, “[Biden] never said that. He said that he was thinking about a woman. He never said her color.” Oh, cut the crap.

The Prosecutor vs the Felon

OK, Democrats, you want to make this campaign about crime? Game on. Guess who is one of the principal figures responsible for the crime wave currently engulfing California? That would be Kamala Harris.

Are Those Bullets in Your NPR Tote Bag?

Apparently, the left has concluded that the best way to avoid political violence in the future is to ratchet up their dire warnings about the end of democracy presaged by a second Trump presidency. Two days after the shooting, Vox announced in a headline, “Yes, it’s still fair to call Trump a threat to democracy.”

SCOTUS Girls Gone Wild

With just two more votes on the Supreme Court, these deranged liberal justices would turn every city in America into a dystopian nightmare where zombie drug addicts crap outdoors and get high all day.

How Trump Will Lose the Debate

With help from his clueless donors and even more clueless wingman, Fox News, he’s blowing off his available voters in order to chase the pipe dream of winning the black and Hispanic vote.

Sunday Morning Talk Shows Offer More MSNBC Content

I watched a total of about 10 minutes of Sunday morning talk show last weekend, so this is not a full review, but I do have a great idea for renaming them. They should be called: “Actually, Senator” or “We Should Note” or “I Apologize for the Interruption.”These phrases are repeated throughout the programs as the hosts “correct” Republicans with Democratic talking points.

How Liberals Pay Off Their Bimbos

When Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, his campaign hired a sleazy private detective, Jack Palladino, to threaten journalists and private individuals in order to prevent voters from finding out about the horny hick’s legion of sexual conquests and sexual assaults — or “bimbo eruptions,” as campaign aide Betsey Wright charmingly put it.

Trump Should Pick the Hillbilly

If there’s the remotest possibility that Trump could win, he ought to pick Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio. The two complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses, as running mates should. Vance is smart, Trump is not. Vance is not exciting, Trump is too exciting; Trump is from Florida, Vance is not.

Stormy Daniels Is the Rosa Parks of Porn Stars

The truth of Daniels’ supposed sex romp with Trump is utterly irrelevant to the criminal charge, but it’s humiliating to Trump, so the prosecutors put her on the stand for hours, and the media covered her testimony like it was the 9/11 attack.

Trump Not Sending His Best

Ann Coulter

Surprising no one, all these Trump-endorsed, less-than-ideal candidates suffered spectacular defeats on Election Day, handing the U.S. Senate and a few governorships to the Democrats. Whether Trump wins or loses in November, the key to avoiding national catastrophe is for Republicans to win Congress, and you ain’t gonna do that by relying on Trump’s endorsements.

The Post-OJ Verdict Paradise

Ann Coulter

For 30 years, the nation’s cities were maelstroms of race riots and inner-city violence, egged on by feckless politicians and an army of journalists scribbling mad defenses of the perpetrators. Every police shooting of a disaffected inner-city youth was instantly branded an act of unadulterated racism.

Does the NY Times Care About Mass Shootings?

Ann Coulter

Did you know there was a mass shooting in Indianapolis over the weekend? I saw it on a news crawl, but didn’t hear about it, so, by Monday, I assumed I had dreamt it. The New York Times didn’t report the shooting, which I found odd, because the gunmen were almost certainly black, meaning it was the gun’s fault.

The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime

Ann Coulter

The one-man factory producing studies about immigrant crime is Alex Nowrasteh of the libertarian Cato Institute. He fudges the data, slaps a false title on his report, and journalists copy his work like they’re Claudine Gay writing a thesis.

We’ll Get to Defending the U.S. Later

Ann Coulter

Protecting our border has lost out to defending every other country’s border so many times that we currently have 750 military bases around the world. There are only 195 countries in the world.  Since 2001, the U.S. military has been involved in combat in at least 25 countries. Name five. That’s how important these military interventions are to the average American.

White People Embarrassing Themselves

Ann Coulter

At the Grammys, Taylor Swift had to attach herself to a black person. This she did by becoming part of the show when Tracy Chapman reprised her 1988 hit “Fast Car” at the Grammys. Taylor rose from the audience, like a mushroom popping up amid the moss, and sang along for the entire song.

Impeach Him Again

Ann Coulter

The crisis at the border is the No. 1 issue with voters, and it’s killing the Democrats. To my surprise, my party — the stupid party — has done something smart (which Fox News tried to talk them out of). They’ve forced Democrats to vote on the impeachment of the man orchestrating the invasion, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.