Rittenhouse turns out to be a thoughtful, articulate, and intelligent young man, and a very principled one too.
Publication: American Thinker
Did Capitol Police Murder Someone Other than Ashli Babbitt?
New video from the Capitol tunnel raises the appalling—but still believable—possibility that the Capitol Police may have killed another woman.
The Utter Orwellian Stupidity of Masks on Airplanes
Dr. Jeffrey Barker: I myself am Covid-recovered after a bout with the disease a couple of months ago. I now have natural immunity to the disease. Forcing someone like me to wear a mask makes no scientific or health sense. There are no studies to show that mask-wearing on an airplane can stop a respiratory viral illness.
The Second Annual “Hoax of the Year” Goes to…
The Biden is a Calm, Stable Moderate Hoax, as all the others arguably are either a result of this one or have been aided and abetted by it. Congratulations! Let’s go Brandon!
Is Biden Plotting with the House to Give Kamala the Boot?
The plan may well be to knock out Harris quickly, position someone they want in the vice presidential slot, and then commence to take out old Joe, likely by the 25th Amendment. That might stanch the expected bloodletting in the 2022 midterm election, if all goes according to plan.
The Otherization of Unvaccinated People Is Proceeding Quickly
Whether in America or out of it, unvaccinated people are being turned into second, third, or worse class citizens.
A Leftist Paper Misreports a Story of Gay Porn in Public School Libraries
An article about South Carolina’s governor announcing a crackdown on gay porn turns into a lesson in the delicate art of leftist lies by omission.
Google’s Veteran’s Day Doodle Is Woke and Peculiarly Illuminating
While Google remembered to honor Veterans Day it managed to drag diversity into the mix in a way both irritating and eye-opening.
The Sissy Generation
We were told that we are at war. Very good, but doesn’t fighting a war requires some bravery? Maybe it’s time to abandon the survivor mentality and start living life? People who shy away from each other cannot advance civilization.
After Nearly a Year of Doing Nothing, Kamala Takes Vacay to Paris with Hubby
As thousands of illegals surge toward our border…
Biden’s Bowels Take Center Stage in Europe
When Biden went abroad, people outside of America gossiped about three things: (1) the rumor that he pooped at the Pope’s; (2) the fact that he fell asleep during the climate conference; and (3) the fact that he farted loud in the presence of the Duchess of Cornwall. The message that the Europeans are getting is clear: The person sitting at the top of the American government is a man in his dotage who is reverting to infantile physical habits.
The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Is a Master Class in How Not to Prosecute a Case
With every passing day, the fact that young Kyle shot in self-defense is becoming more evident — thanks in large part to prosecutorial malfeasance.
Hispanic Vote Migrating to GOP Must Terrify Dems
Out-of-touch Democrat elites are slowly discovering that their condescending view of Hispanics as a helpless racial minority is seen as insulting.
Savoring the Brutal Election Lessons for Dems
Expect all hell to break loose within the Democrat party, with powerful key factions at each others’ throats.
Blame Public Schools for Transgender Bathroom Rape
Some important background information for those participiating in Election Day in Virginia…Have you ever wondered how American schools went from bastions of academic learning to centers where pornography is daily fare and boys wearing nail polish and skirts can legally roam through girls’ restrooms and showers, raping and groping as they go?
Fully Vaxxed Jen Psaki Catches Covid
Seems the White House panacea for ending the pandemic, a one-size-fits-all vaccine mandate, isn’t working quite as well as advertised. In fact, the more such high-profile people catch COVID after being fully vaccinated, the weaker the argument looks. Most of us have already known that the vaccine isn’t all that effective.
Gunfight at the PC Corral
Calling Baldwin’s negligence a “misfire” is another example of fake news, a lame attempt to blame the inanimate and exonerate the culprit. Sadly, given what we know about liberal politics, Hollywood mores, and celebrity social accountability these days, the Hutchins family may get compensation but in the end will see little justice.
Is Jill Biden Asking About a Process for Removing Kamala?
It follows Harris asking the same thing of doddering old Joe.
Dems Are Actively Seeking to Eradicate America’s Unique Culture
It’s the same strategy China used in Tibet. Deliberately flood a culture with individuals who don’t share, believe in, or want that culture. Once they water down and eradicate a unique culture—such as Tibet—it becomes much easier to “fundamentally transform” it into yet another Marxist hellhole.
Shouldn’t the Screen Actors Guild Require NRA Safety Training for All Actors Handling Guns?
How might things have turned out differently, if Alec Baldwin had merely been required by the Screen Actors Guild to take the gold standard NRA gun safety course?
Anti-Gun Actor Alec Baldwin Shot a Woman to Death
Had Baldwin spent less time trying to destroy the Second Amendment and more time learning gun safety, a terrible accident might never have happened.
The Southern Border Crisis Is Now in Your Community
Planeloads of illegal migrants are being secretly flown into suburbs throughout America.
Biden Goes the Four-Year Distance
The Democrats will allow old, diminished Joe to stay in office only until the progressives have foisted as many ruinous policies on the country as they realistically can. Then after a year or so, Joe will go, making way for President Harris.
A Pennsylvania Mall That Bans Guns Has Mass Shooting
Meanwhile, in Norway, unarmed police were unable to stop a mass murderer.