Instead of successfully exporting American freedom to China and Russia over these last thirty years, it is their raw tyranny that has been imported here at home.
Publication: American Thinker
The Truth You Never Learned About Watergate
The revelations here establish some disturbing connections between what befell Richard Nixon and the destruction of Donald Trump’s re-election.
Biden’s Comments About Air Travel Create Massive Instability in America
One of the hallmarks of a failed country is that an arbitrary government makes it impossible to make reasonable predictions about the future.
Vax Passports Are the Panzer Tanks of the Covid Blitzkrieg
The public should have every reason to distrust this vax pass system, and every reason to distrust the people behind it.
Is America Officially a Nation of Sheep?
A recent YouGov poll does prove that about half of us are. It showed that Democrats are both more fearful than the rest of us of COVID and more authoritarian when it comes to mandating vaccines for those who have chosen not to submit to the jab, the “Fauci-ouchy.”
Is Covid Now Becoming a Pandemic of the Vaccinated?
Look at the number of COVID outbreaks among fully vaccinated group.
Is Hillary Suggesting Civil War?
Hillary is projecting. It’s Democrats who are intent on driving a stake through democracy’s heart.
Biden’s Pentagon Continues Its Crackdown on Conservatives in the Ranks
The new rules against extremism are very broadly written but, when taken in conjunction with other activities and pronouncements, their intent is clear.
Judging Fauci
Does responsibility for the deaths of over 1 million Americans make Tony Fauci a mass murderer? It’s actually worse than that.
China Reporting No Covid-19 Deaths Since January
On the other hand, the United States appears to have deliberately and significantly inflated the number of fatalities it has suffered. Why the difference?
So What if Kamala Becomes President?
One morning we may wake to learn that Joe has joined the dearly departed. Crocodile tributes and tears will flow from the Democrat elite, but they will regret Joe’s passing mainly for what the cat now drags in. And there is nothing the elite can do about it.
The Big Lie That Republicans Threaten Democracy
The left has started to fire opening salvos of propaganda to mislead the American people into believing that the Republicans — not the Democrats — present the clear and present threat to democracy.
Spielberg’s “West Side Story” Sees Critics and Paying Audiences Part Ways
The critics rave about a woke masterpiece but the American public doesn’t seem to agree with a film that gives them the middle finger.
Chris Wallace’s Jump to CNN Is a Career Demotion
For Wallace, this is kind of a step downward, given the caliber and high ratings of Fox News compared to the place he’s going. CNN, remember, is at the bottom of the barrel in news ratings. Its network hosts are all hopeless partisans given to saying embarrassingly stupid things and tweeting tweets that don’t age well. Many of them are complete buffoons.
Two Positive Developments Pertaining to Jan. 6
Marjorie Taylor Greene advocates for the MAGA politial prisoners, and Mark Meadows stands up for himself against Nancy Pelosi.
Hillary Reminds Us What an Awful President She Would Have Been
Her little discussion about why she wanted to revisit her speech for a MasterClass is a distillation of the awfulness that is Hillary.
Are You Ready for a Nuclear War Over the Ukraine?
If you thought there couldn’t be anything as irrational as our coronavirus policy — where authorities insist on reordering civilization over a pathogen that more than 99.9 percent of the infected will survive — welcome to our Russia policy.
Let’s Build a White Trash Museum. Not
The story of White Trash is a long and painful narrative of oppression, domination, marginalization, and hegemony.
Smashing and Grabbing Blue America into Ruin
The chickens are coming home to roost throughout blue America.
Splash! Another Kamala Staffer Jumps Ship
For Kamala Harris, she must be uttering the rich lady’s lament right about now: you just can’t get good staff anymore. This time, a big one has flown the coop, a veritable whale of a woman in significance, spokeswoman Symone Sanders.
Woke Salvation Army Surrendered without a Fight
What once was a principles-focused Salvation Army has become an ideologically “woke” army, marching to the regressive whims of culture.
Is “Justice Kamala Harris” in the Supreme Court’s Future?
Democrats are brainstorming ways to keep Kamala Harris away from the Oval Office.
The Omicron Covid Variant Magically Increases Fauci’s Megalomania
For a man who’s been wrong every step of the way, Fauci’s latest pronouncements are disturbing.
Covid Vaccines Are a War on Children
The tyrants who want your children’s bodies are relentless. They’ve orchestrated the battlefield so that you’re mandated to permanently alter your children’s biology with unknown substances for protection against a disease for which they’re not at risk.