What the left has in mind for us is chilling, for it would transform America into an authoritarian nation similar to communist China.
Publication: American Thinker
What’s the Deal with Mike Pence?
Is Mike Pence a traitor to conservatives? Is Pence trying to become the next John Dean, the Watergate traitor? Is Pence trying to be just like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger? Is Pence really a part of the Deep State Unfortunately, it appears that some of the answers to these questions could be “yes.”
Woke Hiring by Airlines Is a Scary Business
The “woke” culture has infected large areas of our lives over the last few years. Much of it has just been annoying, but a new example could actually be dangerous. That is the push to hire and staff our airline cockpits with pilots chosen primarily for their gender or race, which can be a very dangerous concept.
Let’s See if the NFL Really Is Racist
Diversity only goes in one direction — replacing whiteness with “color.” The reality that African-Americans make up only 13 percent of the American population yet represent over 70 percent of NFL players is clearly a diversity problem. If the NFL were truly “equitable” (using the progressive definition of equal outcome over equal opportunity), than the league should be roughly 60 percent White, 20 percent Hispanic, 15 percent Black, and 5 percent “other.”
A Bad Week for Zucker, Whoopi and the Democrat Party
In the case of Zucker, it’s fair to wonder who else at CNN knew? After all, the network was 24/7 consumed with every woman who accused Donald Trump or Brett Kavanaugh of this or that. Didn’t someone at the network resign over the hypocrisy?
Why Trump Should Not Be the GOP Nominee
Trump promised to Drain the Swamp. Instead, he drowned in the Swamp. While he got a lot done, he thought that hiring “experts” and trimming around the edges would be enough. Instead, the ooze flowed in from every direction, stifling every attempt to actually get big things done.
Prestigious Medical Journal Declares Covid Pandemic Is Almost Over
The Lancet, one of the of the most prestigious medical publications in the world, throws cold water on those merchants of panic who wish to use Covid as an excuse to rob people if their civil rights.
Joe Biden, Enemy of America
From the moment Joe Biden stepped into the Oval Office as president it became clear that he stole the job in order to destroy America from within.
You’ll Stand Up and Cheer After Seeing These Canadian Trucker Convoy Videos
All over the world, except in America, people are beginning to give their tyrannical governments a hard “No!”
The Woke War on Curt Schilling
When you look at this baseball great’s extraordinary record, there can be only one reason he’s not in the Hall of Fame…He campaigned for George Bush, supported John McCain, and criticized Hillary Clinton. He also wrote for Breitbart News.
“I Regret Getting the Vaccine”
Jamaica Plain: Within five hours of my shot, I had a severe headache and was unable to multitask. I retired to bed early, and the next morning, every joint was achy and stiff, making me wonder if this is how I’d feel at age 100. My headache persisted along with difficulty concentrating. For the next six weeks, I was fatigued, with my body wanting to sleep at 6 rather than 9 P.M.
By Crudely Insulting a Fox Reporter, Biden Again Showed His Coarse Nastiness
One of the things about advanced age is that it shaves away many of the social skills people develop over the years, leaving behind the essential person. Someone who’s always had a strong undertone of viciousness loses any softening veneer and becomes, quite simply, a mean old man.
The NY Times Is Hiring? Wanna Apply?
A recent job posting by the New York Times seeking a politics reporter on “right-wing media” provides a telling look at just how openly biased the mainstream media have become. The job posting opens with a somewhat chilling mission statement, noting that the media empire seeks to “help people understand the world.” The wording indicates that the newspaper does not simply report factual news, but also interprets that news, almost always through a leftist lens.
When Biden Speaks, Sane People Are Horrified
If there was any doubt that Joe Biden is unfit for the office of President of the United States, yesterday’s marathon press conference put such qualms to rest.
The Political Timing of the End of the Pandemic
The Biden administration needs a very big win before November and what could be simpler and easier than simply declaring one?
Time to Admit Failure in the War Against Covid
Time to stand up and declare that the powers-to-be have utterly failed and the pandemic is over.
Our Bizarre Devotion to Covid Vaccines
Given omicron’s obvious vaccine resistance, the strategy of forcing a monovalent vaccine on the population during a pandemic has clearly failed.
Time to Re-Evaluate the Legacy of Martin Luther King
This reckoning should happen because Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement have failed Black people. They managed only to elect many Black Americans into office. Most of them belonging to the same evil Democrat party that had necessitated the Civil Rights Movement by enslaving, raping, castrating, and oppressing Black Americans for over one hundred and fifty years.
Why It Must Be Trump in 2024
Trump has proven that he can withstand the Democrat onslaught, loves his country, and keeps his promises—and now he’s seasoned and ready to rumble.
Biden’s Claim That This Is a Pandemic of the Unvaxxed Took a Big Hit This Weekend
Two highly vaxxed celebrities are the latest vaccinated bigwigs to have contracted Covid and the schadenfreude is wonderful.
Biden’s Most Disgusting, Dishonest Speech
If you like dishonesty, and dollop after dollop of general disgustingness, Joe Biden had the speech for you. Here he was for his big Jan. 6 moment in front of Congress, denouncing his predecessor, President Trump, defending voter fraud, demanding more of it, and calling it “democracy.”
Were Leftist Provocateurs Leading the Way into the Capitol?
American Thinker (Flashback: Jan. 7, 2021)
There are grounds for suspicion that provocateurs may have been the point of the spear in violently attacking the Capitol.
Seven Hours in January Was Not Seven Days in May
What occurred on January 6 had the exact opposite characteristics of an actual coup.
More Preliminary Evidence That the Vaccines Have Led to a Spike in Deaths
Obvious question: Is it an aberration, or is it for real? Alas, a cursory examination suggests that it may be for real.