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What’s the Deal with Mike Pence?

American Thinker

Is Mike Pence a traitor to conservatives? Is Pence trying to become the next John Dean, the Watergate traitor? Is Pence trying to be just like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger? Is Pence really a part of the Deep State Unfortunately, it appears that some of the answers to these questions could be “yes.”

Woke Hiring by Airlines Is a Scary Business

American Thinker

The “woke” culture has infected large areas of our lives over the last few years. Much of it has just been annoying, but a new example could actually be dangerous.  That is the push to hire and staff our airline cockpits with pilots chosen primarily for their gender or race, which can be a very dangerous concept.

Let’s See if the NFL Really Is Racist

American Thinker

Diversity only goes in one direction — replacing whiteness with “color.” The reality that African-Americans make up only 13 percent of the American population yet represent over 70 percent of NFL players is clearly a diversity problem. If the NFL were truly “equitable” (using the progressive definition of equal outcome over equal opportunity), than the league should be roughly 60 percent White, 20 percent Hispanic, 15 percent Black, and 5 percent “other.”

“I Regret Getting the Vaccine”

American Thinker

Jamaica Plain: Within five hours of my shot, I had a severe headache and was unable to multitask. I retired to bed early, and the next morning, every joint was achy and stiff, making me wonder if this is how I’d feel at age 100. My headache persisted along with difficulty concentrating. For the next six weeks, I was fatigued, with my body wanting to sleep at 6 rather than 9 P.M.

The NY Times Is Hiring? Wanna Apply?

American Thinker

 A recent job posting by the New York Times seeking a politics reporter on “right-wing media” provides a telling look at just how openly biased the mainstream media have become. The job posting opens with a somewhat chilling mission statement, noting that the media empire seeks to “help people understand the world.”  The wording indicates that the newspaper does not simply report factual news, but also interprets that news, almost always through a leftist lens. 

Time to Re-Evaluate the Legacy of Martin Luther King

American Thinker

This reckoning should happen because Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement have failed Black people. They managed only to elect many Black Americans into office. Most of them belonging to the same evil Democrat party that had necessitated the Civil Rights Movement by enslaving, raping, castrating, and oppressing Black Americans for over one hundred and fifty years.