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Kamala Proves the Peter Principle

American Thinker

It’s difficult to believe that Biden could find someone less competent than himself, but he did. Among the vast numbers of very unintelligent politicians, VP Kamala is perhaps the least competent and least intelligent of them all. Her diminished mental acuity is Biden’s insurance against replacing him.

Why Nearly 40% of GenZ Identify as LGBTQ

American Thinker

That so many young adults are so confused about sexual attraction, one of the most basic and important elements of life, one that most people never even have to question because it’s largely written in our genes, tells you quite a bit about how absurd America has become. It’s guaranteed that you won’t find this absurdity in nations where people struggle for food, water, shelter and freedom.

How Mike Pence Fell Short on Jan. 6

American Thinker

Honorable and likable though he may be, by not taking the initiative, it’s fair to hang some of the blame for America’s precipitous decline over the last year on Mike Pence. Pence helped to legitimate the lawless 2020 elections which led to the ascension of our most destructive president ever.