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Mike Pence Was Right

American Thinker

Was Mike Pence a coward on January 6? In no way. He was, on the contrary, a perfect profile in courage. He surely knew his actions would precipitate a tempest of vicious personal smear and slander from the very people he considered himself politically aligned with.

Schadenfreude Overload as Fox Ratings Champs Savage CNN+

American Thinker

Conservatives rarely get opportunities to gloat as delicious as the rapid demise of the streaming service CNN+, reportedly the brainchild of Jeff Zucker, the now ex-head of CNN, the man who dragged the cable news pioneer far to the left. The humiliation stains not just Zucker and CNN, but also Chris Wallace, who left Fox News on a high horse, taking aim at Tucker Carlson and the prime-time opinion hosts at the cable news leader.

Government Schools Have a Huge Pedophile Problem

American Thinker

National awareness of the grooming problem in public school classrooms is rising, thanks to the campaign opposing Florida’s law prohibiting sexualizing the youngest students in grades K–3. The hysteria of the law’s opponents has served notice that an active movement exists in schools and the media to indoctrinate the young in the notion that one’s sex is a matter of preference, not biology…

Obama Is Aiming to Get Back into Office If Biden Is Ousted

American Thinker

Do not be surprised if the Democrats soon take affirmative steps to remove Biden from office…Obama will then have two-and-a-half years to lock down America’s “fundamental transformation” into a fully socialized, third-world country, and Biden has given him a head start when it comes to destroying institutions. Heck, if Obama does the job right, he can be the new Putin or Erdogan: America’s President for Life.

Biden, the Ersatz President

American Thinker

The United States does not have a real president right now. There is an individual named Joe Biden who shows up occasionally and sits in the Oval Office, but in no way can he be considered to be “President” in the traditional understanding of that term.