The former president is reminiscent of one of Harrison Ford’s most impressive but unappreciated roles.
Publication: American Thinker
Good Samaritans Are Now Chumps and Criminals
Since actual crime is no longer illegal in many large cities, left-wing DAs and prosecutors have created a new crime, that of being a good Samaritan or defending yourself. God help America!
Florida: Where ESG Goes to Die
To truly stop ESG in its tracks, more governors will need to muster the courage to push back against the woke industrial complex.
Why Not a Kennedy/Carlson Ticket?
What brings Kennedy and Carlson together is more than each one having a busy day in early mid-May.
Trump Got the Better of Kaitlin Collins
She displayed a rude, smug arrogance. Collins set a new record for dismissive interviews. She forgot that Trump has had years and years of experience with boorish and ignorant pretend journalists who hate, loathe and despise him. She clearly has no experience with an outlier with so many IQ points on her.
Predictions of Fox’s Post-Tucker Ratings Demise May Be Premature
While many Carlson fans and conservative bloggers were expecting, if not hoping, that FOX News’s ratings would continue to crater, the opposite appears to be happening. Week #2 without Tucker saw a gradual rise in the channel’s 8 PM viewers.
Why Has Tucker Been So Reticent?
They have him by the short and curls. Conservative employers like media companies and universities are now at the forefront of one of the most sinister legal developments in silencing dissent, and one that builds upon the judicial tyrannies. This maneuver has escaped most observers because that is precisely its purpose: to smother dissent and criticism beneath a cover of secrecy and legal retribution.
Biden’s Navy Taps a “Non-Binary” Transvestite to Seduce New Recruits
From John Paul Jones to “Harpy Daniels” — what an indescribably disgraceful devolution.
E. Jean Carroll’s Trump-Bashing
She crashes and burns on the stand.
What Jill Biden Wants, Jill Biden Gets
Is America actually being ruled by a blowzy blond teachers’ union activist and community college “professor,” instead of the dotard the voters supposedly voted for in Joe Biden? Sure seems like it.
America’s Transgender Craze
What will happen when significant numbers of men gradually embrace feminine identities while girls, similarly drugged to suppress their female identities, strive to replace men in traditional masculine occupations?
Biden’s Energy Secretary Vows an All-Electric Military Vehicle by 2030
Care to charge that tank in battle, Sergeant?
Tucker Is to News Media What Trump Is to U.S. Politics
A tale of two disruptors.
Why Is Bill Maher the Only One Making Sense?
It seems like every week we hear something rather sensible from TV host Bill Maher. First, it was his attack on the cancel culture. Then he pointed out that male swimmers are faster than female swimmers. And now he asserts that black-on-black crime is a problem.
Fetterman Returns to Senate Duties and Proves Himself Totally Incapable of Discharging Them
Senator John Fetterman deserves our compassion for his struggles with the after-effects of his stroke. But compassion is not a sufficient basis for keeping a seat in the United States Senate in the hands of someone incapable of discharging the duties thereof.
Will Dems Dump Kamala for Susan Rice?
If the Dems are to be rid of the Kamala albatross, they need a female and a black to replace her. In fact, a black who could claim descent from American slaves would be even better than Harris’s raised-in-Canada, half Asian demographic cred with the all-important African American voting bloc.
Did Trump Peak Too Soon?
The 2024 campaign is going to be a long, nasty slog. Trump will need many more lucky breaks to win.
Google Chief Thinks Its Big AI Innovations Are Best Placed in the Hands of Government Regulators
All that tech brilliance on display, and he thinks it best be turned over to wokester regulators in the social sciences who couldn’t write a line of code if they tried.
The Leftist Insurrection
Where is the resistance to the radical left’s quest for autocracy?
Death to the Suburbs!
That’s the implied slogan of ‘affordable housing,’ now set to wipe out the American Dream in New York.
Clarence Thomas’s Friendship with Harlan Crow Is Good for American Justice
The idea of judges having friendships within the community is possibly best expressed in the text of Pirkei Avot, one of Judaism’s most sacred texts written over 2000 years ago. “Make for yourself a teacher, acquire for yourself a friend” is a famous quote that recognizes the importance of friends and teachers.
Dems Seek to Remove the Only Black Man from the Supreme Court
Democrats live up to their reputation as the party of racism.
How Much Did Trump Have to Pay D.A. Bragg to Indict Him?
Bragg’s crusade may be backfiring.
If Trump Is Bad, Bill Clinton Was Worse
Yet Democrats did not exactly rush to condemn Clinton for his manifold transgressions.