The DeSantis hype is not limited to media personalities, but their lockstep support of the governor is out of sync with the Republican base, where Trump remains quite popular. The self-satisfied euphoria of predestined victory that has swept across DeSantis, Inc. needs a reality check, and it may just get one before long.
Publication: American Greatness
Tyre Nichols and the Black Elephant in the Room
The social justice ideologue never acknowledges the reason blacks get into so many dangerous altercations with police in the first place: crime. Blacks are much more likely to be murdered by other civilian blacks than by police, and they are about twice as likely to murder a white as vice versa.
Jan. 6 Was the Worst Incident of Police Brutality Since the Civil Rights Era
After two years of watching cherry-picked video clips produced by the Department of Justice and the news media to depict Trump supporters as the violent aggressors on January 6, the public now has an opportunity to see what really happened thanks to police body camera footage released at trial. It’s ugly—and clearly malicious.
The Environmentalist Assault on Civilization
With prosperity, we can adapt as we always have. With tyranny, we can do nothing. Climate alarmism is tyranny with green wrapping, delivered with terror.
Police Injured by “Friendly Fire” on Jan. 6
Newly released evidence proves police officers were gassed by “friendly fire” on January 6, 2021.
Did that include Brian Sicknick?
Miss Universe Is Just the Latest Organization Erasing Women
Biological women are being pushed out of sports, pageants, and other industries in order to appease people trapped in delusions and suffering from gender dysphoria.
Without Trump, It’s Business as Usual
Whatever his imperfections, Trump is by far the best—and only—man for the job. Only in Trump do the American people find a true outsider candidate rather than a lifelong member of the political class. His mere presence would once again disrupt the status quo and his record of historic accomplishments speaks for itself.
Boston’s MLK Statue Is a Woke Embarrassment
On Friday, Boston unveiled its tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King—a massive bronze statue titled “The Embrace.” The statue is said to be modeled after a famous photograph of the two Civil Rights leaders hugging after MLK received his Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. For whatever reason, the designers of the monument decided to leave the heads and torsos of the two subjects out, turning what was a nice concept in theory into a colossal failure.
This Is CNN…Losing Audience
To mainstream media executives, hiring boring, unaccomplished “yes men” to repeat the prevailing opinion is good enough, even as the audience keeps tuning out. Take Adam Kinzinger, for example.
Destructive Diversity Ideology at Virginia’s Universities Must Go
Young people are drowning in debt and anti-American propaganda known as “diversity, equity and inclusion.” Public officials can cut off the funding that supports this.
The Shameful Exploitation of Brian Sicknick’s Death
Sicknick suffered two strokes caused by a blood clot near his brain stem; the D.C. coroner concluded Sicknick died of natural causes on January 7, 2021 at the age of 42. Rather than allow his family the chance to grieve with dignity and in privacy, the media immediately seized on his untimely passing to portray Trump supporters as cop killers.
Jan. 6 Is a Day That Will Live in Alchemy
In a feat of political sorcery—fueled by lies, cover-ups, and careerism—the Biden regime has transformed an unruly, four-hour protest into an act of domestic terror.
The Coup We Never Knew
Did someone or something seize control of the United States? What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally?
Good Riddance to a Disappointing 2022
It was an annus horribilis in so many ways, it is difficult to count them. With an economy faltering, elections turning out other than planned, and a series of scandals, censorship, FBI wrongdoing, and not to mention the continuation of the Wuhan deadly viral disease, no one should be sad to see December 31 fast approaching.
Ukrainian Foreign Influence Endangers America
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s visit to the U.S. Congress was a disgrace. Congressional fawning and praise after his broken-English demands for more money symbolized an upside-down world, one where the client state orders around the supplicant patron. The corrupt and collapsing country of Ukraine would not last a week without American largesse and has tried to drag NATO into a larger war with false flags.
Are Universities Doomed?
Monotonous professors hector students about “toxic masculinity,” as “gender” studies proliferate. If the plan was to drive males off campus, universities have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.
Why Many Conservatives Won’t Be with Their Children or Grandchildren This Christmas
Dennis Prager: Probably an unprecedented number of Americans with grown children will be alone this Christmas because their children won’t visit them. Parents often call my radio show pouring their heart out about being alone on holidays despite having children and grandchildren. In virtually every case, the parent is conservative, and the child is on the Left.
Elon Musk Is the African American of the Year
He emigrated legally from Africa. He built businesses and created thousands of jobs. He has restored free speech, and with that, the hope of a free tomorrow.
Trump, for a Limited Time Only
It’s hard to know what to make of Trump’s entry into the world of NFTs. But his commitment to free speech and limiting the activities of deep state censorship should be applauded.
Celebrate Elon Musk, But Don’t Lose Sight of Big Tech’s Structural Problems
Truth is, as great as Musk has been not merely for Twitter but for the health of America’s digital town square in general, concerted public policy and legal changes are still needed.
The Wasteland of Leftist Compassion
Compassion is not compassion when it is manipulated to fulfill a corporate socialist agenda of turning America’s cities into high-tech pens for human livestock and depopulating rural areas.
DeSantis 2024 Is a Trap
Voter fraud needs to be addressed which means voting in person, on Election Day, and with a valid picture ID, not voting by mail over the course of a month. If we don’t fix that it does not matter who the candidate is: Trump, DeSantis, or any other Republican. None of them have a chance in hell. It has nothing to do with who they are.
If Holocaust Deniers Don’t Go to Hell, There Is No God
Dennis Prager: Holocaust denial is not only a Big Lie, it is pure Jew-hatred and a slap in the face of all the Americans who died fighting the Nazis.
Advice to DeSantis: Wait for 2028
DeSantis, look, you’re a good governor with a bright future but you don’t stand a chance against the most popular Republican candidate of all time. That’s not a slight. It’s just a fact. You don’t want to learn this reality the hard way!