Expect Alexander Soros to increase his funding of progressive-Left, globalized, and woke agendas in the
United States and elsewhere.
Publication: American Greatness
The Indictment Itself Is the Problem
This is the most egregious deep state election interference to date, and it is a sign of the government class’ hatred and distrust of the American people.
A Day of Infamy: Trump Arraigned
No banana republic is complete without influential propagandists doing the regime’s dirty work and there are plenty of them surrounding the Trump indictment.
Springtime for Boudin and Berkeley
San Francisco reject Chesa Boudin gets his own “criminal law and justice center” at UC Berkeley.
Trump Still Has the Magic
Trump differs from DeSantis in three important ways that are likely to deliver him the primary victory.
Towards a Youthful Republican Party
The common response from frustrated older Republicans when confronted with the overwhelmingly liberal voting tendencies of young voters is to lambast them for vague negative characteristics such as laziness and degenerate behavior or to simply blame their voting patterns on outside forces such as academic indoctrination.
Three Years Later, No Justice for BLM Insurrection in DC
D.C.’s lead prosecutor has turned a blind eye to a six-month campaign of terror in the nation’s capital in 2020 so he could keep his sights on the mostly nonviolent protesters of January 6, 2021.
“Indiana Jones 5” Will Be Disney’s Latest Bomb
Bringing back the character for a fifth film, should have been an easy sell to a majority of America—but they already ruined it by exposing the film’s underlying woke lecture. Spoiler alert: Women are infallible, and men are old, bumbling, and weak.
Trump Should Go Nuclear on Corporate Media
The former president is in the unique position to dramatically alter the media culture, which would be one of the most enduring goods he could accomplish. He may have just started.
Trump and the CNN Caper
The CNN-Trump event was a preview of what we can expect if Trump is the nominee. Take no prisoners. Shoot the wounded. Win. America may be ready for that again. If you don’t like it, don’t blame CNN. Blame the Bidens. They made it possible. And likely.
The Great Underestimation of DeSantis Starts to Unravel
This past weekend, Gov. DeSantis reminded voters, and a skeptical press that has spent an inordinate amount of time writing his political obituary, that he not only possesses the nimbleness needed to be a candidate for president but that he also has the staff and network needed to pull off. People underestimate DeSantis only at their own peril.
Importing Problems
There are too many immigrants, legal and illegal, and there are certainly too many immigrants committing ordinary crimes once they are among us.
J6 Jackals Circle Trump
The verdicts and rhetoric surrounding J6 trials are leading to one goal: the arrest and prosecution of Donald Trump.
All Hail Greg Abbott, Conqueror of Woke Sanctuary Mayors
Whatever you might think of the Texas governor, he has performed a valuable service in exposing the fraud of sanctuary policies and the snake-oil salesmen who peddle them.
Targeting Thomas
The demonization of Justice Thomas and his family is an attack on friendship and on independent thought.
Outcome of Proud Boys Trial Could Decide Trump’s Fate
Guilty verdicts in the most consequential January 6 trial will be the green light the Justice Department has been waiting for to go after the former president.
Tucker Had One Hell of a Run
Watching Fox without Tucker Carlson is like watching The Beatles without Paul McCartney or John Lennon. It’s like going to a steakhouse and ordering the vegan option.
Anheuser-Busch Thinks We’re Idiots
The brewer thinks pictures of horses and a reminder of 9/11 will make its alienated customers forget that the company holds them in contempt. Nope.
The Useful Veneer of the Aging Democrat
The new majority of radical Democrats allows the old fogies to bask in the limelight until they drop because these codgers mask their revolutionary intentions.
The Bullet Train Epitomizes Golden State Corruption
California’s failing rail project is a metaphor for a state that has turned its back on the ordinary, hardworking people who live there.
What’s the Deal with Women with Mustaches?
The Left creates victims that, they say, can only be saved by Democratic and Marxist policies. Next up: Women and girls with facial hair.
The Success of “Mario Bros” Should Teach Hollywood a Lesson
No matter how poor the economy may be performing, people will still spend money on entertainment—especially entertainment that doesn’t come with tired, beat-to-death leftist talking points.
The Left Has Killed Our Great Cities
The fact that Chicagoans have elected not a reformer, but a deformer, suggests that inner-city residents still don’t get it—or they don’t care.
Nashville Council Votes to Reinstate Disgraced Former Lawmaker After Expulsion
Despite leading what could be called an insurrection and using force to disrupt an official proceeding, the Left has attempted to idolize the three Democrats, falsely portraying them as victims of “racism” due to the fact that Jones and Pearson are black.