Must we feel sorry for the writers and actors of such programs? Why? We don’t feel sorry for pornographers or drug pushers. Why should we feel sorry for writers who create stories about gay dudes or a world of drugs, sex, and trauma?
Publication: American Greatness
The First 24 Hours of Trump’s Second Term
Sebastian Gorka: For starters, strip the FBI of its arrest powers.
The Biden Presidency Is Unsustainable
Kamala utters incomprehensible sentences; Joe cannot finish them. Kamala’s public declamations are kindergarten stuff; Joe’s are more nursery school level.
The Left Hates “Sound of Freedom” Because They Hate Children
The fact that the film was released independently, five years after it was completed, with almost no marketing – has already grossed over $100 million in box office revenue and embraces conservative principles, namely, family values – means that the Left must find something morally abhorrent about it.
Jason Aldean’s Primal Scream
For every American who watched violent mobs rampage across the nation in the summer of 2020, looting and burning and for those Americans, to this day, who watch endless videos of smash-and-grab gangs, or brazen, unmolested shoplifters, or intimidating lunatics free to terrorize the streets, his song is a primal scream.
The Undumpable Biden
If the Democrats and their media lapdogs were really interested in being rid of Joe, why would they be exerting themselves to remove his only real competitor for the nomination? In the last few weeks, our presidential Praetorian Guard has gone after RFK Jr., Biden’s one minimally competitive opponent, with hyped-up charges of anti-Semitism.
Doubts and Questions About Biden Will Only Grow
Though the White House and the Democratic National Committee may be trying to ignore it, there is suddenly a constant stream of stories in the media about doubts that Biden can make it across the finish line 16 months from now.
GOP Field Braces for Tucker Carlson Iowa Inquisition
In Carlson, the candidates will confront a firebrand with a loyal audience but without sympathy for old-guard GOP orthodoxies.
Employers Might Use AI to Hire Happy Conservatives Over Innately Unhappy Liberals
Conservatives value the preservation of societal norms and thus find contentment, while liberals, by definition, express dissatisfaction with the world, leading to unhappiness.
DEI Will Never Die
The Left is, as everyone knows, obsessed with race, gender and sexuality. They are determined to drive this country apart, into special interest groups and “protected classes,” and to hand out favors to these groups based on totally subjective considerations of “equity.”
The Latest Leaks Don’t Incriminate Trump. They Incriminate Dems
Who recorded Trump’s conversation about the “secret” documents? Who just leaked it to CNN? How long have Democrats been planning this? One thing is clear—the Democrats are once again falsely accusing Trump of crimes which Biden and Democrats have actually committed.
The Trump Distraction
A realignment upon MAGA principles is possible if we can convert it into a concrete agenda that thousands of candidates from the local to the national level articulate and fully intend to carry out.
Impeachment Is on the Table for Joe Biden
As the Biden family’s corruption scandals heat up, an increasing number of Republicans are calling for Joe Biden to be impeached, including Rep. Jim Jordan.
America Wakes Up to Woke
Americans are rejecting wokeism because they finally are realizing that if they do not, they will not have a civilization left.
Decadent Elites Plunge America into Political Crisis
A regime that treats good people like criminals and criminals like “public servants” exposes its own iniquity.
The Left’s New Daddy Warlocks
Expect Alexander Soros to increase his funding of progressive-Left, globalized, and woke agendas in the
United States and elsewhere.
The Indictment Itself Is the Problem
This is the most egregious deep state election interference to date, and it is a sign of the government class’ hatred and distrust of the American people.
A Day of Infamy: Trump Arraigned
No banana republic is complete without influential propagandists doing the regime’s dirty work and there are plenty of them surrounding the Trump indictment.
Springtime for Boudin and Berkeley
San Francisco reject Chesa Boudin gets his own “criminal law and justice center” at UC Berkeley.
Trump Still Has the Magic
Trump differs from DeSantis in three important ways that are likely to deliver him the primary victory.
Towards a Youthful Republican Party
The common response from frustrated older Republicans when confronted with the overwhelmingly liberal voting tendencies of young voters is to lambast them for vague negative characteristics such as laziness and degenerate behavior or to simply blame their voting patterns on outside forces such as academic indoctrination.
Three Years Later, No Justice for BLM Insurrection in DC
D.C.’s lead prosecutor has turned a blind eye to a six-month campaign of terror in the nation’s capital in 2020 so he could keep his sights on the mostly nonviolent protesters of January 6, 2021.
“Indiana Jones 5” Will Be Disney’s Latest Bomb
Bringing back the character for a fifth film, should have been an easy sell to a majority of America—but they already ruined it by exposing the film’s underlying woke lecture. Spoiler alert: Women are infallible, and men are old, bumbling, and weak.
Trump Should Go Nuclear on Corporate Media
The former president is in the unique position to dramatically alter the media culture, which would be one of the most enduring goods he could accomplish. He may have just started.