The leftwing media recently got its orders from the Biden campaign on a new narrative to smear Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential campaign.
Publication: American Greatness
How Were the Universities Lost?
The Ivy league and their kindred so-called elite campuses may soon go the way of Disney and Bud Light.
J6 Was a Mostly Peaceful Protest
Criminalizing protest is the greatest threat to democracy.
The Meaning of Thanksgiving Can Save America
Thanksgiving, according to, has come to “has come to symbolize intercultural peace, America’s opportunity for newcomers, and the sanctity of home and family.”
Can We Save Our Universities?
Stop giving money to elite institutions.
New Documentary Film Pokes Holes in False George Floyd Narratives
A sobering new documentary aims to debunk the false narratives surrounding the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the trial of Officer Derek Chauvin. “The Fall of Minneapolis,” produced by Alpha News journalist Liz Collin, also examines the tragic impacts of the BLM riots, including the collapse of law and order, that continues to this day.
Hamas Terrorist Attack Drove the Left’s Growing Antisemitism into the Open
if you were unaware of the rise in anti-Semitism and hostility toward the State of Israel from some segments of American society in recent years – especially on the Left – you either have not been paying attention or have been looking the other way.
Trump’s Popularity Is Not Inexplicable
He is the underdog, unfairly maligned, with policies that would help the American people. Standing in opposition to Trump is Joe Biden, who offers America and the world a future of war and poverty.
Coca-Cola and Delta Would Not Shut Up About George Floyd
But on Hamas, it’s crickets. Georgia’s biggest companies went all-in on the “woke” revolution in 2020. But if silence is complicity—as “progressives” constantly inform us—then corporate America is all-in for Hamas terrorism, too.
Climate Data Refutes Crisis Narrative
One of the saddest examples of suppression is the reluctance of conservative editors to challenge climate alarmism.
The Gag Order Against Trump Is the Real Threat to Our Democracy
Deep State is attacking our right to elect the President of our choosing.
The Sickness of Our Universities — and the Cure
Before graduating, students should demonstrate a minimum competence in math, science, and general knowledge.
Allow Zero Palestinian Refugees into America
Following the horrific terror attacks upon Israel from Hamas and the resulting swift Israeli Defense Forces response, American globalists ascertain yet another opportunity to import a wave of unvetted migrants likely to bring violence and social discord to our already frayed republic.
Trump Is Surging
If the election were held today, Trump would likely defeat Biden – and Democrats know it.
Offshore Wind Is an Economic and Environmental Disaster
California project would be one of the most egregious cases of environmental destruction in human history.
No Jobs for White Men
Efforts to promote diversity have been objectively racist against whites.
California, the Great Destroyer
A now broke California became a medieval society of Leftwing ultra-rich and Leftwing ultra-poor. On one end, there was no longer the skill or expertise to modernize the state. And on the other, an elite became more interested in dreaming of heaven on earth for itself as it ensured a veritable hell for others.
Stand Up to the Left’s Use of Covid to Shut Down America
Lockdowns have been trending the last several weeks heading into election season as a form of conditioning the weak-minded to comply when they come—and they are coming.
The Hidden Agenda Behind Lockdowns
Americans, along with their European brethren, are being turned into livestock, living in high-tech pens, where literally every aspect of our lives is monitored and everything we do or consume is rationed.
Trump Taught Republicans How to Win
It’s time they followed his lead.
The Frightened Left
Weaponizing impeachment is just one many precedents that Leftists now would not wish to have applied to themselves.
What If Biden Backs Out of the Race?
A late withdrawal favors some Democratic candidates over others. It favors those with high name recognition, existing campaign operations, and the ability to fund expensive national efforts, either from outside donations or their own pockets.
From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next
After eight years of serially ignoring facts, the media shows hysterical glee over various weaponized prosecutions of Donald Trump.
Why Mike Pence Is No Hero
There was nothing illegal, immoral or unethical about the Eastman proposal.