Although we have an absolutely poisonous mainstream media, the truth is our politicians, generally speaking, can be counted on when lives are truly in danger. Just be sure to get your information from alternative sources.
Publication: American Greatness
After the Coronavirus, the Media Are Exposed
Sebastian Gorka: After the last two weeks, no reasonable person can conclude that the media is just biased or driven by personal animus to the president. Now it is clear they are willing to exploit human tragedy and a national emergency for their own financial and political profit.
China’s Post-Virus Plan to Destroy America’s Economy
The “respected voices” calling for America to lift the tariffs on China are simply swallowing Beijing’s sophisticated propaganda. China means to use this crisis to destroy us.
Covid-19 Closures Expose Insidious Effects of Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Program
Reexamining the community eligibility program, which has created a middle-class entitlement program while teaching kids all the wrong lessons, should be on the administration’s to-do list. Its deep reach is just one more flawed government approach now exposed by the current public health threat.
Instead of Bracing for Coronavirus, Dems Focused on Impeachment
Now all of us are paying the price for the Democrats’ shortsighted and destructive campaign against the president.
What If Coronavirus Had Been More Serious?
As alarmism and panic grow, whipped up in part by those hoping to damage the president in an election year, the virus—though certainly serious—appears much less likely to be as devastating as people thought it might be.
Biden Promises Return to Normal: No Thanks
President Trump, for all his flaws, has exposed the arrogance, ignorance, and failures of Washington’s ruling class. That’s why they’re desperate to oust him, even if it means replacing Trump with a man way past his prime who’s exhibiting more alarming behavior each day. There’s nothing “normal” about it.
Ghoulish Media and Dems Wish for Wuhan Casualties
Liz Shields: The Democrats and the media but I repeat myself are wishing so hard for the racistly-named (LOL) WuhanFlu to kill Americans so they can seize control of the government in November. So much cluck, cluck, clucking and no plan. What is your plan, Debbie Downers? How would you have handled the introduction of a Chinese pathogen into America differently than the Bad Orange Man?
Media Fuels Coronavirus Panic to Damage Trump
The media is in overdrive fueling panic, freaking out Americans so they buy rice and toilet paper and of course blaming Trump for the disease.
Progressive Liberalism as a Death Cult: Open Borders, Open Markets, Coronavirus
Our elites are more interested in proving to themselves and the world that they’re not xenophobes, not racist, and not against open markets to enrich the Third World than they are in their duty to our country and our citizens.
The Left’s Politicization of Coronavirus Backfires Bigly
As the Left and their collaborators in the media tried to score political points against the president, they ended up highlighting a deep concern: The fact that the Chinese could weaponize our dependence on them.
Trump Administration Has Won the First Round Against Coronavirus
Conrad Black: So far, Trump has done better with a strong show of awareness and readiness than the Democrats have with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s asinine allegations of “towering and dangerous incompetence,” and the fatuities about Trump being “anti-science,” and only interested in Wall Street.
New Impeachment Rules Would Snare Obama
Obama was not impeached not because he did not do things that Donald Trump did, but because his opposition in the House did not do what Democrats later most willingly did: attempt a coup to remove a president without cause.
Dem Establishment Gets What It Deserved with Bernie
As the Democratic establishment’s panic grows while watching Comrade Sanders continue to win primaries, caucuses, and delegates, it’s looking increasingly likely that Sanders could be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president. The meltdown is humorous to watch as even the establishment’s collaborators in the media realize how bad things could go with the Vermont socialist at the top of the ticket.
Lady Justice Spurns Her Blinder for Trump Associate
People like Justice Amy Berman Jackson, who claim to hold the greatest devotion to our institutions, who purport to cherish the rule of law above all else, are the ones responsible for systematically demolishing it all.
Billion Dollar Bloomberg Takes a Beating
To say Bloomberg tanked is an understatement, he was unprepared for the most obvious attacks against him. It was pathetic.
The Get-Trump Virus May Be Fatal to the Dem Party
The slow motion suicide of the Democratic Party is bad for everyone. Democrats, please put down the get-Trump crack pipe and do your job.
NeverTrump Bill Kristol Burns Leftist Cash on Failed Impeachment Crusade
Shortly after American Greatness exposed in 2018 how Kristol and several of his fellow NeverTrump co-conspirators lived off Pierre Omidyar’s generous dole, the owners of The Weekly Standard…closed the magazine. Its replacement, The Bulwark, is funded by Kristol’s latest group, Defending Democracy Together. In 2018, an Omidyar nonprofit donated $1.6 million to Defending Democracy Together.
Trump’s Angry and True Victory Speech
What they call dictatorship is a democratically elected president appearing, at least momentarily, to get the upper hand over a managerial elite.
The Political Genius Behind Trump’s SOTU Theatrics
The ranks of President Trump’s supporters are swelling with former Democrats, with independents, with blacks and Hispanics, and with former nonvoters. He has earned their trust and their enthusiasm through bona fide real-life achievements.
Romney’s Discreditable, Dishonest Vote
Conrad Black: His awkward, tortuous, drenchingly pious delivery, with frequent references to his religiosity and to God directly, convey what an apotheosis he went through to produce this preposterous vote.
The White Field Spells Disaster for Dems
Most black voters are not buying woke politics, not from Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), not from Cory Booker (D-N.J.), not from anybody. This presents an opening for President Trump.
The Failure of the Dems’ Bloodless Assassination Attempt
Conrad Black: The Democrats will have to give up their pretense of playing moral custodians of the national virtue against a monster who has usurped and abused power. They will have to try to find a presentable nominee from the puny harvest of their declared candidates to run against the incumbent fair and square.
As China Carries Disease, Elites Carry Their Water
The World Health Organization is a case study of how the Chinese Communist Party infects supposedly apolitical institutions. But it doesn’t end there.