What happened to Flynn is quite simply an atrocity. Everyone responsible should lose their jobs, if Flynn’s lawyers betrayed their client they should be disbarred, and the whole crew of plotters should be hauled off to jail. And Michael Flynn deserves his job back.
Publication: American Greatness
The Failed Experiment of Social Distancing
The history of science, sadly, is littered with bad experiments gone horribly wrong. The Great Social Distancing Experiment of 2020, when it is over, will very likely be toward the top of that list.
The Tyrannical Soul of Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Somehow Michigan’s governor, and others like her, will have to be compelled to respect the rule of law and the rights of the people.
Biden Is Cooked
Conrad Black: Apart from the accumulated limitations of the former vice president’s performance as a functioning candidate, there are other problems already clawing at him or waiting to pounce.
It’s Time to Boycott China
To ensure we recover from this virus, we must do two things: Wash our hands and wash our hands of China.
No, Anarctica Is Not Rapidly Melting
It’s easy to wonder if the sheer volume of panic being spread on the issue of climate change is a conspiracy. But it doesn’t have to be a conspiracy to be this pervasive, it just has to fit the world view of a critical mass of special interests.
The Needs of the Few and the Paralysis of Perfectionism
But the response to COVID-19, should it be an overreaction, highlights a trend in American society that has grown over the past several decades into an overwhelming problem. Increasingly, we are paralyzing ourselves, losing individual freedoms, and squandering our prosperity as a nation in the pursuit of impossible perfection.
Wisconsin Shows Why Mailing Everyone a Ballot Is a Bad Idea
While there are no easy solutions to the challenges of voting during a pandemic, an all-mail program would jeopardize the integrity of any election and suppress the conservative vote.
China Meddles in Our Election, in Favor of Biden
Given this track record of complicity, obtuseness, and appeasement, it’s no wonder the commissars of the Chinese politburo prefer the ascension of their useful, timid toady Joe Biden to the presidency.
Dems Underestimate Trump at Their Own Peril
Conrad Black: The president’s enemies have not figured out how cunning he is, because he doesn’t seem cunning—at first.
We Need a Manhattan Project to Create a Coronavirus Vaccine
It’s a sign of institutional failure and a lack of cultural vitality that we resort to the most draconian, most primitive response to a virus. And instead of science, we get scientism—the ritualistic display of competence rather than truth. We can and must do better.
Trump Cuts Off WHO from the American Teat
The World Health Organization is a front to redistribute money around the planet for lefty pet “health” projects and for some reason, they have been extremely deferential to China. The U.S. gives the WHO far more money than China does and it’s time to cut off the globalists from the American tax payer teat.
It’s Time for the President to Address Our Economic Relaunch
If the president acts carefully and puts the issues squarely, he will succeed, the economy will recover quickly, and he will be invincible in November.
Are American Universities Becoming Multinational Institutions?
American universities should always serve American interests—not serve as a machine to employ compradors and promote acquiescent collaborators to foreign strip-mining of America.
The Tolerant Left Gets a Viral Surprise
It appears those who peacock their open-mindedness and compassion also wish death on those with whom they disagree. British PM Boris Johnson spent a few challenging days in intensive care while his unborn baby lays in the womb. His chances of seeing that child were only 50-50 on Sunday. The “tolerant” among us hoped he would die.
Trump’s Leadership in Pandemic Paves Way to Reelection
The president has admirably mobilized the natural desire of Americans to rise to a national challenge, part of which is generally a rallying behind the leader, as long as the leader knows how to lead.
Are Covid-19 Deaths Being Overreported?
Let’s just say that bureaucratic guesswork is unacceptable while the economy is in chaos, tens of millions are suddenly out of work, and power-hungry government tyrants arrest surfers and pastors for daring to violate “social distancing” decrees handed down to their local authorities by Beltway lifers.
Coronavirus Meltdowns
Is the bad and self-negating behavior of so many of Trump’s enemies setting him up for an even more impressive victory in the fall?
Coronavirus Consequences Coming into View
Conrad Black: Democrats seeking electoral advantage from this crisis are in an untenable position. Even in suboptimal circumstances, it is hard to see where any case can be made for mismanagement by the administration.
Wuhan Coronavirus Must Be Our Sputnik Moment with China
Sebastian Gorka: Now will we take the threat China poses seriously?
Dr. Win-the War vs the Mouse
The Democrats have a presumptive candidate who can hardly utter a coherent sentence in response to a friendly questioner, live-streaming from a little podium in his living room, an absurd, and objectively sad spectacle. The Democratic bosses are sending an infirm and elderly mouse to bell a big, tawny, roaring cat. Anyone can see how it will end.
Joe Biden Has a Plan to Fight the “Ebola Virus” (Satire)
Biden: “Folks, I want to begin this by discussing the coron . . . corona . . . coro . . . the response to the coro . . . to the virus. These are confusing times for all of us . . . er . . . for most of us . . . I don’t mean to say that I am confused. No, absolutely not! Some people might be confused, but not me! I remember how we overcame the Hispanic Flu of 1918..”
This Crisis Vindicates Trump’s America with Borders
Coronavirus and its awful toll may be ending a second American holiday from history, one in which we entertained boutique notions like a world without borders and all the existential risks that come with it.
Can Florida Governor DeSantis Bring Some Sanity to Coronavirus Overreaction?
What could DeSantis do to counter the increasingly tyrannical responses enacted by his Democratic counterparts across the country? He could tout how predictions of doom have not materialized in his state despite an influx of likely infected people for at least the past several weeks. Hospital beds are widely available and the state has a contingency plan to use sports stadiums and even hotels as backup triage centers should the situation deteriorate rapidly.