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The Tolerant Left Gets a Viral Surprise

American Greatness

It appears those who peacock their open-mindedness and compassion also wish death on those with whom they disagree. British PM Boris Johnson spent a few challenging days in intensive care while his unborn baby lays in the womb. His chances of seeing that child were only 50-50 on Sunday. The “tolerant” among us hoped he would die.

Dr. Win-the War vs the Mouse

American Greatness

The Democrats have a presumptive candidate who can hardly utter a coherent sentence in response to a friendly questioner, live-streaming from a little podium in his living room, an absurd, and objectively sad spectacle. The Democratic bosses are sending an infirm and elderly mouse to bell a big, tawny, roaring cat. Anyone can see how it will end.

Can Florida Governor DeSantis Bring Some Sanity to Coronavirus Overreaction?

American Greatness

What could DeSantis do to counter the increasingly tyrannical responses enacted by his Democratic counterparts across the country? He could tout how predictions of doom have not materialized in his state despite an influx of likely infected people for at least the past several weeks. Hospital beds are widely available and the state has a contingency plan to use sports stadiums and even hotels as backup triage centers should the situation deteriorate rapidly.