Maybe America’s Latinos are “natural conservatives.” But until Spanish language media is no longer an ideologically monolithic mass of leftist propaganda, this potential will be unrealized.
Publication: American Greatness
NeverTrump Conservatives Have Incited Political Violence
As their preferred candidate crashes in national polls and the race tightens to a dead heat in Joe Biden’s must-win states, NeverTrump “conservatives” are once again taking their marching orders from Democrats. The death, destruction, and mayhem besieging Democratic-run cities across the country, NeverTrump dutifully recites, is all Donald Trump’s fault.
New Amazon Prime Documentary on Fox News’ Roger Ailes Is Captivating
“The Man in the Arena” tells the story of a man in full. Roger Ailes was energetic, ambitious, unorthodox, creative, brilliant, charming, disarming, and a bunch of other things that made all kinds of different people yell, at critical moments, “Get Ailes!”
New Medical Report Says George Floyd Had Fatal Level of Fentanyl in His System
Newly released evidence filed in the case against the four former Minneapolis Police officers accused of murdering George Floyd indicate that a “fatal level” of fentanyl was found in Floyd’s blood, suggesting that he died of an overdose, not asphyxiation.
Dems Hold a Convention for Themselves
America’s front-runners put on a service this week for parishioners of the true faith. Maybe it will be enough.
Calling Out Dems’ Lies at Lame Zoom Convention
The biggest lie, among many, at the Democratic Party’s Orange Man Bad Fest on Tuesday night was that President Trump did not act aggressively or effectively to save lives from the Chinese coronavirus.
Could Trump Actually Win This Thing?
After some of the most harrowing months ever to befall an incumbent, a little sunlight is peaking over the Oval.
Biden’s Campaign Is a Political Coup
All presidential campaigns have to sell themselves to voters, but the Biden-Harris ticket is a swindle. In the days since Biden announced his “running mate,” it has become ever more clear that this “campaign” is in fact a political coup. We are dealing with a presidential candidate who can’t answer a follow-up question and a vice presidential candidate who obviously is the actual front of the ticket.
It’s Time for the Trump Campaign to Enter War Mode
The election is still President Trump’s to lose. This is largely because Trump’s opponent is the living embodiment of the Washington swamp. Should Trump lose to the walking carcass of the Obama Administration, it will be a terrible embarrassment…Biden’s election would best analogize to America’s working-class fecklessly keeling over in willful submission to their slave-masters.
Unmasking Biden’s Mental State
Democrats think that they’ll win the election in November without any debates, without a convention, without public rallies, without a real campaign, and without voters visiting polling stations. To have any chance, Trump must unmask the man whose cognitive deficits surely make him unsuitable as commander-in-chief in a dangerous world.
Football Fans Will Punish Candidates Unwilling to Defend Football
More than just a game, football forms a key pillar of our national culture and consciousness. For generations, football has helped to transform American boys into men. The decision of major college conferences to abandon football this fall, understandably disgusts Americans. The soft and selfish administrators of universities have stolen a season away from young athletes and deprived adoring alumni and fans of the rituals of autumn.
Biden’s Pretend Campaign
Conrad Black: Sometime soon it is going to become clear that the former administration was rotten, the current administration handled the economy and immigration well, has managed difficult crises fairly competently, and the Biden campaign is a papier-mâché fraud being moved around by superannuated stage-hands. That is not how great nations choose their leaders.
The NHL Gets Woke
In what sense do professional hockey players “skate for black lives”? How does hockey, whether played well or poorly (or at all), “end racism” or bring about “better days”? Does the act of playing hockey “fix” racism? Obviously it’s all nonsense. It is little more than ritualistic, saccharine, impotent virtue-signaling by the NHL, done in the desperate hope that the antiracist mob might devour it last.
The Magnificent William Barr
The man is impressive. If you watched him at these recent hearings, you couldn’t help but notice how exceptional his authority is. He’s a man of honor, integrity—and wow, is he brilliant! With the patience of a saint, he sat for hours listening to the inane ramblings of the lower-than-average IQ House Democrats who questioned him and then refused to let him reply.
From Alinsky to AOC: Will Communism Finally Win in America?
Thirty years after “winning” the Cold War, America faces an even greater threat from within—and it’s a threat that has internalized key elements of fascism as well.
The Worst Brand Name in American History (Hint: Begins with a “D”)
As businesses, schools, and sports teams change their names to acknowledge past racial injustice, it’s time for the party directly responsible to do the same.
Antifa and BLM Are the Greatest 2nd Amendment Promoters Since the NRA
Does anyone think that folks who just spent $500 to $1,000 or more on firearms for honest-to-God personal defense are going to vote for the vertiginous Joe Biden who would appoint the skateboarding-wannabe-Latino, “Beto” O’Rourke, to take their guns away and leave them unprotected? Really? Melania, it’s safe to assume, can start picking out her gown for the second inaugural ball.
Poetry Magazine Caves to the Mob
Postmodern drivel is unsavory enough when it’s coming from business leaders and the like. But when it’s coming from people who hold responsible positions in the literary world it’s especially appalling.
Coronavirus and the End of Authority
The pandemic response with its mask mandates have unmasked a hostile ruling class that does not deserve our obedience.
Dems Don’t Have a Winning Hand
Even with the incessant Democratic media effort to terrify the entire population out of its wits over the Covid-19 pandemic, it will no longer be possible to represent Trump as President Chaos.
Trump Remains the Only Man in Washington to See the Danger
We were reminded of this during his moving speech at Mount Rushmore, in which he called on Americans to defend our home, our people, our heritage, and our principles. Trump put his finger squarely on the designs of the revolutionaries seeking to destroy our Republic…
NeverTrump Parasites Won’t Give Up on Destroying Their Host
Most people on the Right, when they look at NeverTrump, see a sad collection of losing campaign managers, failed magazine editors, and third-rate pundits hanging on for dear life by giving the false impression a big chunk of Republicans oppose Donald Trump.
Defund the NBA!
The players are millionaires because legislation long ago made the NBA a kind of legal monopoly…Billions of dollars rolled in. Now many of these spheroid-lobbing giants have used a combination of strong-arm tactics and boo-hoo guilt trips to turn the NBA into a gigantic ad agency, piously selling a vaguely defined “social justice” with BLM murals on playing surfaces and slogans on their jerseys.
Duckworth’s Decimation of National Security
Senator Tammy Duckworth’s pursuit of political gain actually gives an unearned advantage to the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian governments by damaging the careers of the men and women we rely upon to protect the American people and our interests around the globe.