The media must answer for the most egregious smear job in the history of the democratic world.
Publication: American Greatness
Biden’s Campaign Blew Up in a Bad Way
Conrad Black: Like a fly blasted with insecticide, Biden and his campaign will buzz around for a few days in insouciant denial, but their levitation should finally be over.
Top 10 Questions for Biden Tonight (That Won’t Get Asked)
#1: Cities like Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Chicago, Seattle, and Portland, among others, have been run exclusively by Democrats for decades. Why are race relations so bad under Democratic leadership? #2: The infamous white nationalist Richard Spencer supports you and not President Trump. Why do you think that is the case?
Did Biden Take a Bribe?
Remember, the Ukraine scandal is only one of many pay-for-play controversies surrounding the Biden family.
How Big Tech Masks Covid-19 Realities
Since the early stages of the coronavirus crisis, any viewpoint or research running afoul of the accepted doctrine conceived by the credentialed class has been censored. Social media platforms, internet search engines, and other monopolistic guardians of information decided at the very beginning that they would determine which content would be available for public consumption.
The Feminist Case for Trump
Trump has been portrayed as a monster and a nightmare king who threatens to eliminate the gains women have made since the right to vote was secured in 1920. This is a manipulative myth. Despite allegations of misogyny, the Trump Administration has done more for women than his predecessors, whether Democrat or Republican.
Biden Is Too Old
Biden’s age and the political risk associated with it is the subject everyone knows about but no one wants to discuss publicly. As we’ve been told a lot this year: we need to listen to the science. And the science around aging is real and well-documented.
Trump Is the Integrity Candidate
Conrad Black: Improbable as it often seems, and whatever his failings, in this election Donald Trump is the candidate of honesty, competence, and legality.
Trump Wins Round One, Barely
President Trump could have won decisively if he had just followed Napoleon’s famous advice not to “interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
Another Pathetic NY Times “Bombshell”
Donald Trump failed to pay taxes on business losses—like every other taxpayer in the world.
Trump’s Nomination of ACB Honors Constitutional Norms
Democrats and President Obama abandoned prudence as part of political persuasion in 2016 and so they failed to get their nominee confirmed. Now they are angry that Republicans and President Trump are using it effectively.
Republicans, Confirm a Supreme Court Justice Immediately
Grow a spine, Republicans; stand with your own voters, and do what needs to be done — as soon as humanly possible.
Dear GOP Senate: Get This Right
Your success in defending the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh amid one of the most despicable character assassinations in modern political history notwithstanding, Senate Republicans have done nothing to confront the Left’s nonstop assault against the president, his family, his administration, and by default, his supporters.
A Woke Joe Biden Ends His Hibernation
The Democratic presidential nominee had embraced one of the most bizarre but—until recently—effective strategies thus far in a presidential campaign. Like some fictive vampire, Joe Biden has been ensconced in a basement tomb and, now pale, he is reemerging into the light and finding the glare all but lethal.
For the Sake of the Constitution and the Country, Fill Ginsburg’s Seat Quickly
Many Americans would feel relieved to have the question settled so that they can focus on what they are supposed to be deciding: whether President Trump or Joe Biden will make a better president.
Trump Should Demand a Debate with Kamala
Harris will run things soon enough in a Biden Administration and her deficiencies are not getting enough attention. Chief among them is the question of whether she will abuse prosecutorial powers for political gain. With the FBI and Department of Justice increasingly politicized, Harris will have powerful tools of oppression at her fingertips.
Media Frets About Maskless Peace Agreement Signing
Oh the humanity! The Trump Administration brokered a peace deal between Bahrain, the UAE and Israel and the killjoys on the clown networks were squeaking about social distancing and mask etiquette at the signing ceremony.
The Truth About Our “Historically Unmatched” Pandemic Response
While Cuomo, Biden, and Pelosi were all downplaying the virus and equating worry of viral spread with anti-Chinese bigotry, President Trump and his administration were getting into high gear working on the systems and the task forces that would carry this country through the storm of 2020.
Biden, “The Great and Powerful”
For now Joe Biden’s best hope is that some Emerald City media lackey does not play the role of the tiny dog Toto, rip away the curtain, and reveal the tiny man and his machinery behind the projection.
Trump Has Had a Historically Great First Term
Conrad Black: You would never guess any of this from the Trump-hating media in full campaign for Joe Biden, but the voters will have reason to reflect on it before the electoral die is cast.
Another Day, Another Anti-Trump Media Freakout
It’s important to remember that the Democrats had access to the same information the president had. The Gang of 8 is briefed on these kinds of threats but the Democrats were too busy impeaching the president at the time to take the information as serious as they say Trump should have.
The Left’s Bombshell Backfire Factory
The Left’s so-called “bombshells” consist of nothing more than assumptions, hearsay, and unsubstantiated allegations.
The Biden Slime Operation
This is the Democratic canon: malicious lies supported by stupid lies and disseminated to the world by the morally bankrupt, reflexively partisan Trump-hating media.
When Will a Prominent Black Athlete Stand Up to the Mob?
If these paragons of physical strength and skill want to show they have real courage, they should review the facts and tell hard truths.