The original grinch, as everyone knows, did not succeed in ruining Christmas—and neither should the Fauci.
Publication: American Greatness
Covid Panic Will Rule Biden’s First 100 Days
Biden and Democrats are fueling more panic to achieve a number of political goals: keep a frail Biden under wraps, reward Democratic constituencies with trillions in taxpayer-funded goodies, and justify more government control over our daily lives. The old normal looks further away than ever.
Trumpism without Trump: Not Kinder and Gentler, But Harder and Fiercer
There are better ways to express our resentment of what has been done to us. We should make the Democrats pay for it, yes, but not through pettiness and spite. They may project their sins onto us, but let us not emulate their sins in return. Instead, we should attack the Left where it is most vulnerable, and that is on policy.
Senate Republicans Can’t Be Bothered with Election Cheating
Ignoring, or even justifying, incontestable evidence of election fraud that might unfairly have swung the presidential election to Joe Biden is another slap in the face to Republican voters. Begging those same voters to help keep them in power is adding insult to injury.
How Trump Can Make Congress Great Again
Whatever happens in the next few weeks as the president’s attorneys combat reluctant courts, state legislators and governors, and a malevolent media to make the case that Biden’s “win” was really a massive, coordinated election fraud, Trump must prepare to lead the movement, whether from the White House, or from someplace else, when the sound and the fury is over.
Trump’s Parting Remarks Should Be “Fight On”
Here’s what Donald Trump should say if indeed he does leave the White House next month.
The Great Trump War Set for Round 3
Whatever Biden does, if Trump plays it right, he is the future, not the past.
By Every Legal Means Necessary
Every available legal means must be used to assure Trump is not pushed out of office improperly, and, if he has lost, that that result is the consequence of a fairly conducted and tabulated election.
Something Rotten in Pennsylvania
Americans deserve to know whether the most consequential state in the most consequential presidential race in modern history handled everything on the up-and-up. Right now, it seems they didn’t.
Stand with Trump and Stand for America
More than 70 million Americans are suspicious of this election, but the so-called #Resistance is ready to sweep everything under the rug and move on to the coronation ceremony. We know that if the shoe were on the other foot, if Donald Trump were elected in this irregular manner, the Left would be screaming bloody murder and there would be riots in cities all across the country.
Trump Going Into Beast Mode
The presidency was Donald J. Trump dabbling at establishment respectability. From now on, he’ll be running a populist movement, perhaps a new party—for he owns the Republican Party—parallel to an administration that’s viewed by 73 million deplorables as illegitimate.
If All the Fraud Is Uncovered, Trump Will Win
How do we know? The people who tried to pull off this election heist are drawn from the same swamp as the conspirators in the Russia hoax.
Foxed Up Beyond All Recognition
New, but not improved, Fox News has chosen to present its election coverage with a strong pro-Joe Biden bias…This is the story of the rise and fall of Fox News, and the rise of Newsmax and One America News.
Trump Is Still Fighting, Don’t You Give Up
We knew we would win and that the Democrats would attempt to steal the election by large-scale voter fraud. President Trump foresaw this danger and began fundraising and hiring a team of litigators months ago, preparing for a legal battle royale.
Was Pfizer’s Vaccine News Slow-Walked Until After the Election?
Collaborating with Big Pharma to hold off good news about a vaccine is yet another example of Joe Biden’s and the media’s shamelessness.
No One Knows Who Won the Election
Conrad Black: As was widely foreseen, there are serious problems with the invocation of the coronavirus as an excuse for plunging into a system of mail-in voting in which unsolicited ballots were sent to everyone on the voters’ register, assuring a huge number of physical ballots floating about un-received by voters who have moved or died, or unused by voters who have chosen to vote in advance polls or in person.
Will a GOP Senate Keep Biden in Check? Oh, Please!
Rather than stand up to the Democratic Party’s race hustlers, Senate Republicans—including McConnell—condemned the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor as racially motivated even when evidence contradicted those claims. A few Republican senators sponsored legislation to replace Columbus Day with Juneteenth as a sop to the Left.
Game-On for the Coup
Some time in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, additional ballots were “found” and added to early totals which had Trump ahead. To no one’s surprise, those votes were overwhelmingly—literally as much as 100 percent in some batches—for Biden.
A Probable and Deserved Victory
Conrad Black: The president has likely won and will probably be confirmed as having won by normal vote counting—with or without judicial review.
Trump: Always Be Closing
Trump will win four more years and the big media polling industry could be all but finished.
Commies for Biden
Why old American Communist warhorses like Angela Davis and Bob Avakian are urging a vote for the establishment Democrat.
Obama Can’t Get Past His Grudge Against Trump
Few politicians are as thin-skinned, petulant, and vengeful as Barack Obama—just ask Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn—and it’s obvious that Donald Trump still gets the best of him.
Biden Is Sinking
The Democratic nominee’s supporters sense it but won’t say it. Why would reality feel different from polls with a wobbly record of recording reality?
We Didn’t Need the Laptop to Know About Biden Corruption
In the event of a Biden victory, we will face the reality that Beijing has been paying off the president-elect for over a decade.