Representatives Nancy Mace and Adam Kinzinger flex their Beltway bona fides by telling their MAGA constituents to stuff it.
Publication: American Greatness
Meet the BLM Activist Who Helped Direct the Jan. 6 Capitol Incident
While many of the other arrestees from January 6 continue to be held in custody, the presiding U.S. magistrate mysteriously released John E. Sullivan from custody.
Captain Joe Plays “Ruin That Country”
In just 11 short days the guy who supposedly got 81 million votes from his basement in Delaware has quite literally ruined America.
What Happened to Officer Brian Sicknick?
No one should discount the idea that Democrats and the news media would intentionally promote a totally fabricated story to destroy Donald Trump and vilify his supporters.
Biden’s Rapidly Deflating Honeymoon Balloon
Conrad Black: Biden and his media supporters will see the prohibition they have imposed on any questioning of the election result blow up in their faces.
Liz Cheney’s Republican Party Is No More
Republicans are no longer interested in the drawn-out foreign wars and nation-building Cheney’s political patrimony would foist upon us. We are more interested in rebuilding our nation and economy.
The Lincoln Project Lowlifes and Their Enablers
It’s gratifying to see the Lincoln Project, the poisonous outlet co-founded by George Conway, the corpulent husband of Kellyanne, now drowning in its own droppings amid confirmation of one of Washington’s worst kept secrets; co-founder John Weaver is a closet homosexual who preys on young men, some as young as 14.
Donald Trump: Counterculture Icon
Trump swept into power battling against the Washington establishment, the bureaucratic swamp, the deep state, the fake news, and everything those vampires do and stand for. He couldn’t be bought. He couldn’t be intimidated. He gave away his paychecks. He was a force all his own. A one-man army taking on the stultifying, Marxifying culture that is killing our nation and eating our young.
How to Deprogram Us
Along with terms like “reprogramming,” “de-Baathification,” and “deplatforming,” deprogramming refers to cleansing the incorrect mentalities of former Trump Administration officials—and even those who voted for Trump. Note that deprogramming does not refer to elites who peddled the “Russian collusion” hoax for years, despite the abject absence of evidence.
The Most Important Questions About the 2020 Election
Dennis Prager: Why would anyone who sincerely believed Trump is a white-supremacist fascist dictator not cheat if he or she could prevent such a person from becoming or remaining president? Isn’t someone who could prevent a fascist, white-supremacist, Nazi-defending dictator morally obligated to cheat if he or she could prevent such a person from becoming president?
Joe Biden, Fascist?
The people perpetrating violence in the streets have been taught—in defiance of reality—that America is an irredeemably “racist” nation built on a foundation of “white supremacy.” For them, hatred of America is a religion, except in this religion, there is no forgiveness for what they view as America’s original sin.
The Make-Believe Election
Biden has now served his purpose as a placeholder for the Democrats. He is the “fill-in later” section of the government form, the seat being saved for a friend, the stand-in actor, the dummy title. He is the empty store-display bottle that you point out to a salesman: You and the salesman both know that something else will be delivered, but it’s a convenient convention.
CNN Continues to Stink Up AT&T
John Stankey, AT&T’s “Mr. Casual” CEO whose apparent goal is mediocrity—just look at AT&T’s wan stock performance since he took over—seems to be totally oblivious to the gyrations of his subordinate, CNN President Jeff “Mother” Zucker. The dwarf king of cable news continues the steady ablation of CNN’s once-great reputation and Stankey seems blithely indifferent, at best.
Dems Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred
Conrad Black: The Democrats are not going to be able to hide much longer behind their Trump hatred. But it’s really all they’ve got.
Mitch McConnell Should Go Home to His Wife
The Barrett confirmation might as well have been decades ago, and the question “what have you done for me lately” is catching up to the Turtle….Nobody here loves him.
Capitol Riot Used to Crush the “Big Lie”
But the actual “big lie” is that the 2020 election was on the up-and-up and no amount of unpersoning will persuade half the country otherwise. Indeed, it confirms it.
Twitter’s Totalitarian Path
This threat to free speech precedes the Trump presidency; it has been cultivated by the Left for more than a decade, growing in strength year by year.
If Trump Cares About the Movement He Helped Build, He Should Now Go Away
Donald Trump the wrecking ball was much-needed—and tremendously successful. But it is imperative for our nascent movement’s prospects that President Trump go away after January 20.
The GOP Establishment Created Its Lin Wood Problem
Wood, a legendary defamation attorney who cleared Richard Jewell’s name and secured a sizeable settlement for Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann, has gone full QAnon since the vote steal in November.
Testosterone Levels of U.S. Men in Tailspin — What That Means for America
If testosterone levels continue their decline, the number of dysfunctional men will continue to increase. And along with that will come an overall decline in marriage, family formation, fertility, productivity, generosity, safety—anything a strong healthy man can contribute to his family, his community, and his nation.
Media Freaked Out Over Leaked Trump Call with Georgia’s Raffensperger
Nothing in the call is surprising, especially if you are familiar with the things Trump has been saying since the election and if you recognize that Trump tends to speak in a clumsy, casual manner. The Washington Post selects some pieces of Trump’s dialogue to make it seem like he is asking Raffensperger to create votes and manufacture a Trump victory in Georgia.
The Virus Is Not Invincible, But It’s Exposing Who’s Irreplaceable
We were often told globalized elites on the coast were the deserved 21st-century winners, while the suckers in-between had better learn coding or head to the fracking fields. But who now is more important than the trucker who drives 12-hours straight to deliver toilet paper to Costco? Or the mid-level manager of Target who is on the phone all day juggling deliveries before his store opens?
Heroes of the 2020 Horror Show
Includes Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Dr. Scott Atlas, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the NY Post (for Hunter Biden laptop story) and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.
Biden Appointees Underrepresent Whites, But It’s Still Not Good Enough
It would be hard to find anyone in politics who has tried harder than Joe Biden to surround himself with appointees who are either not white, not male, or not heterosexual. Biden’s journey down diversity lane began in earnest when he announced he would select a “black woman” to be his running mate.