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Strategic Incompetence in the Fall of Afghanistan

American Greatness

In a criminal lack of judgment, Joe Biden announced and began the unilateral American withdrawal at the start of the fighting season in April. Even worse, Biden planned for the complete pullout to take place during the height of the Taliban offensive in August. This meant that the most substantial change of the war, the removal of critical U.S. support, was made at the height of the Taliban surge.

The Elite Beltway Pedigree of Officer “Redneck” Fanone

American Greatness

Fanone has deep ties to the Beltway establishment. He was born in D.C. and raised in the suburb of Alexandria, Virginia, situated in one of the wealthiest counties in the nation and home to much of the capital elite. Far from the rough-and-tumble life he projects on CNN interviews, Fanone grew up a rich kid…The only question now is which book publisher will give Fanone a multimillion-dollar advance.

Call the Covid Hysteria for What It Is

American Greatness

Torture is defined as “the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons acting alone or on the orders of any authority “ Do any of the above tactics of psychological torture sound familiar? They should. Your government leaders, at the direction of Fauci and the CDC, have been inflicting them upon you for almost 18 months. 

Keeping Up with Nikole Hannah-Jones

American Greatness

UNC now escapes the burden of a tenured Hannah-Jones. Howard University gains a trophy appointment of a chaired professor whose notoriety as a fabulist will never go away. Howard’s faculty members may be circumspect in saying anything about this appointment, though it won’t be easy for a group that has frequently distinguished itself by actual achievement rather racial grandstanding.

Mad, #MeToo Matriarchy Ensnared Bill Cosby

American Greatness

The Cosby prosecution rested on he-said, she-said hearsay evidence, on facts that can’t possibly meet the rules of evidence or be corroborated for the purposes of a just prosecution, in accordance with the legal standards of Western law.  The tainted evidence was solicited decades too late, with utter disregard for the statute of limitations.

Why Are They Woke?

American Greatness

America is systematically being conned by those who disguise their hypocrisy, who manipulate the guilt-ridden, who have no interest in solving America’s most dangerous problems, and who get or stay richer by hyping an America in need of massive rebooting—and with it their own careerist remedies.

Make Communist China Pay for Covid-19

American Greatness

As the world slowly begins to emerge from the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic and American elites develop an interest in the formerly dismissed Wuhan lab leak theory, it is time to focus attention where it belongs: punishing a rogue Chinese Communist Party for what it has inflicted upon an unsuspecting world.