DeSantis distinguished himself on a rather weak playing field: His closest gubernatorial competitors, Kristi Noam and Greg Abbott, are distant seconds in levels of competence and political aptitude—themselves unable to break decisively from the Republican establishment on transgender issues and immigration. Moreover, DeSantis’ flaws reveal themselves upon deeper inspection.
Publication: American Greatness
Matt Gaetz Emerges from Faux “Scandal” as Model America-First Leader
The Republican congressman is part of a new breed of lawmaker who thrives on iconoclastic rebellion.
The Globalist Climate Agenda Is a Crime Against Humanity
It is more than a misguided but well-intentioned mistake. It is a brazen lie, promulgated by some of the most dangerous people who have ever lived.
Meloni’s Grande Nuova Italia
Giorgia Meloni is not a fascist and her platform was simple and straightforward right of center conservatism. The media call everyone who is not a liberal “far-right,” which amounts to a smear and untruth. She is dynamic, bold, courageous, and patriotic. Her platform was: God, family, nation.
Yes, Leftists, Conservatism Is Popular
Voices on the Right continue to be more popular than those of “mainstream” journalists who are actually leftists. And it’s driving them crazy.
Dems Continue to Lie About Police Deaths on Jan. 6
Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and congressional Democrats fuel a false narrative intended to stoke outrage in an already deeply divided country.
Americans First
Don’t listen when the Left cries they need more money to help out those struggling Americans back home.
The FBI Should Be Nuked from Orbit
Nothing less than the total dismantling of the American Stasi is acceptable.
Send All Illegals to Martha’s Vineyard
Of course, this is a joke. Wealthy Democrats feel about their own property just as every American does: They want to keep what they own for themselves. The difference between the Democrats and the rest of America is what they want to do with everyone else’s property.
Electric Vehicles Are the Veggie Burger of Cars
EVs deserve the fate of plant-based burgers—available in certain high-income urban areas where issues like cost, range, and charging pose less of a barrier.
Green Globalism Is the Ultimate Expression of White Supremacy
Green globalists are proclaiming a planetary crisis to camouflage an agenda of conquest dominated by white Westerners. Green imperialism is still imperialism.
Anti-White Hatred Laid Bare with the Queen’s Death
Queen Elizabeth II never ventured into politics, but in death, almost inevitably, it seems,she has been dragged into the undeclared racial hostilities of our time. Souls warped by grievance and envy are ghoulishly dancing on her grave and mocking the “white tears” of her people.
William Barr Is the New Alyssa Farah
The ex-AG wants to portray himself as an expert in all things classified and pre-judge Trump’s guilt. But when he could have shown that mishandling classified material is a serious crime, he punted.
The World Wants No Part of Woke, But It’s Glad We Do
China can likely sink any $12 billion American aircraft carrier and its 5,000 diverse “they/them” crew that dares to venture into the Taiwan strait.
Former Feds Give Justice Department a Bad Name
The nonstop partisan gaslighting justifies accusations by Trump and his supporters that the Justice Department largely exists to criminalize political dissent in America.
Scattered Pictures of the Files He Left Behind
Are Americans supposed to believe that former presidents don’t have one single memento from their years in the White House? Or did the Justice Department just admit that prosecutors are relying on a vague civil statute—a ridiculous technicality that will be almost impossible to prove in any courtroom outside of Washington—to finally take down Trump?
Biden’s Antifa Politics
Targeting tens of millions of Americans who support opposing but mainstream policies while mainstreaming the views of dangerous street revolutionaries is only going to dangerously fragment our politic.
John Eastman Is John Eastman’s Best Defense
His legal advice to President Trump after the election was not disingenuous. Rather, it operated within the limits of what was credible and possible.
Lawyer Says His Jan. 6 Clients Are Being Tortured
A lawyer for several of the Jan. 6 political prisoners says his clients are being “tortured” by a system of “anarcho-tyranny” that considers them to be a “subhuman, sub-constitutional class of people.” In an interview this week, Joseph D. McBride said he plans to sue the federal government over the abuses his clients have suffered.
Fauci’s Reign of Terror Changed America Forever
Fauci made the world dumber, baser, lonelier, and less free.
Are Republicans Blowing the Midterms?
Americans don’t like the Biden Administration and are ready to hear the Republicans’ case. But do they have one?
The Sociopathic Democratic Party
Democrats are power hungry and will do anything to get and maintain power, that includes cheating, lying, stealing, if necessary.
What We Know Now About the Mar-a-Lago Raid
A failing Biden Administration, facing a rematch against Trump and a pro-Trump Republican Congress in January, has launched a politically motivated assault.
“Civil War” Porn
As Joe Biden’s polls stagnate and the midterms approach, we are now serially treated to yet another progressive melodrama about the dangers of a supposed impending radical right-wing violent takeover. This time the alleged threat is a Neanderthal desire for a “civil war.”