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Why the Right Should Pick Trump Over DeSantis

American Greatness

DeSantis distinguished himself on a rather weak playing field: His closest gubernatorial competitors, Kristi Noam and Greg Abbott, are distant seconds in levels of competence and political aptitude—themselves unable to break decisively from the Republican establishment on transgender issues and immigration. Moreover, DeSantis’ flaws reveal themselves upon deeper inspection.

Meloni’s Grande Nuova Italia

American Greatness

Giorgia Meloni is not a fascist and her platform was simple and straightforward right of center conservatism. The media call everyone who is not a liberal “far-right,” which amounts to a smear and untruth. She is dynamic, bold, courageous, and patriotic. Her platform was: God, family, nation.

Scattered Pictures of the Files He Left Behind

American Greatness

Are Americans supposed to believe that former presidents don’t have one single memento from their years in the White House? Or did the Justice Department just admit that prosecutors are relying on a vague civil statute—a ridiculous technicality that will be almost impossible to prove in any courtroom outside of Washington—to finally take down Trump?

“Civil War” Porn

American Greatness

As Joe Biden’s polls stagnate and the midterms approach, we are now serially treated to yet another progressive melodrama about the dangers of a supposed impending radical right-wing violent takeover. This time the alleged threat is a Neanderthal desire for a “civil war.”