It’s time to cut Zelensky, Ukraine’s Nazi regime, and our warmongers in Congress loose.
Publication: American Greatness
Oath Keepers Verdict Is a Dangerous Escalation in Criminalizing Dissent
New ground is set with every egregious indictment and conviction with dire consequences for the future of political speech and activity.
Everybody Hates Liz Cheney
Pimped by Democrats, used by the news media, abandoned by Republicans, and disliked by the public, Cheney, like her father, might have managed to tick off almost everyone on her way out the door.
Fauci Forgets
The white coat supremacist can’t seem to remember the destructive policies he imposed on the American people.
It’s Trump vs the Establishment All Over Again
Seven years after his historic escalator ride, Trump remains the only man who the establishment truly fears, the only one with the capability of crashing this rigged system called
Our Democracy.
The Fake Trump-DeSantis War and the 2022 Non-Election
Sebastian Gorka: If Ron DeSantis wants to run, great! He’ll be running against a man who received 74 million votes—more votes than any incumbent in American history. And as for those who say, “DeSantis is so much better than Trump!” How do you know? Yes, he is great if you’re a Floridian.
Cheer Up, Republicans. The Midterms Were Actually a Success
Earth to Republicans: Flipping one house of Congress is not a defeat, no matter how much the legacy media and the complicit Murdoch press (they of the curiously early calls for Biden on Election Day 2020) try to tell you.
Tragically Trump
Will Trump rest on his considerable laurels and ride out gracefully to Mar-a-Lago? Or will he choose the
tragic hero path?
The Partisan Rigging of the 2022 Election
Election reform candidates are not the threat. The threat to democracy is to leave things the way they are.
News of the GOP’s Demise Was Greatly Exaggerated
Just one more way the #NeverTrump conglomerate has shown itself to be #AlwaysWrong.
The Pathetic Democratic Pantheon
Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi are of no use to the Left in the midterms because it is their radical ideology that was finally enacted and wrecked the country.
The Dems’ Insurrection Flop
Turns out, the “Big Lie” is that January 6 ever mattered to anyone outside the Beltway.
Twitter Will Survive Longer Than the Washed-Up Celebrities Who Are Quitting It
It’s difficult for many on the Left who have been sheltered in their own tiny worlds to realize that they’ve
been led to believe lies.
Scandal-Ridden SF FBI Office Involved in Pelosi Investigation
Given the highly partisan nature of the FBI, and the San Francisco field office in particular, there is no reason to believe FBI brass will do anything more than run cover for the Pelosis.
Professionalism Deniers at Fox News
One might hope the anti-Trump partisans at Fox News would be vetting the witnesses for their side with a bit more care. But that would require professionalism.
J6 Prosecutors Redouble Retaliation and Revenge
New arrests are announced each week in what can only be considered at this point a punative legal crusade against Americans who protested Biden’s election that day. The prosecution has nothing to do with justice or public safety and everything to do with retaliation and revenge.
Will Democracy Die in the Darkness After November?
The Democrats will soon chant democracy is dying because they are terrified it is thriving as never before.
The Commie Train Is Coming
China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation is a Chinese state-owned company controlled by the People’s Liberation Army. So why are American cities contracting with them for their rail cars?
GenX to Dems: Eat My Shorts
Fifty-six percent of Gen Xers “strongly disapprove” of Joe Biden’s job performance—a percentage nine points higher than the disapproval of Baby Boomers and 20 points higher than that of Millennials. Donald Trump has the highest approval rating and lowest unfavorable rating among Gen X voters.
Why DeSantis Should Not Run in 2024
If you think that by switching to DeSantis you’ll get the best features of Trump without the drawbacks, you’re just playing into the Left’s hands. Trump is America’s man for 2024.
The Establishment Is Still Terrified of Trump
Far from being a threat to American democracy, Trump and his movement represent an unvanquished pocket of democratic resistance to the bureaucratic tyranny of globalism.
The Broken Promises of the Jan. 6 Committee
Questions about the role of the FBI and other prominent government agencies in the events of January 6, 2020 remain unanswered because they were not asked.
Max Boot Is a Woke Loser (and Wrong About Everything)
Max Boot can rest easy. In no time at all, General Patrick J. Donahoe will have a chance to truly let his liberal freak flag fly, as no doubt he will.
Fetterman’s Problems Go Beyond His Health
Democrats will tell you privately that Fetterman’s slide in the polls is because people don’t know where he stands on important issues.