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Trump’s Covid Agony

American Conservative

You might think that this is another episode in a reality show. It feels theatrical. But that seems insufficient. This feels like we’re nearing the climax of a Greek tragedy. Plague. Hubris calling down nemesis. Character being destiny. Let us pray for the recovery of the President and the First Lady. Even if you have no love for them, you do love your country…

The Age of the Mega-City Is Over

American Conservative

In just a few months, New York City became the poster-child for what’s shaping up to be a staggering transformation of the American urban scene. Our giant metroplex cities are set to contract and go broke in the years ahead. The trend was already clear before Covid-19 came on the scene, but the virus accelerated the complex dynamics behind it.

Dem Dark Money Behind Those “Local Newspapers”

American Conservative

The non-profit that sent the Democratic Party haywire during the Iowa Caucushas a new strategy: creating partisan news outlets in key states ahead of the 2020 election. With the financial backing of Hollywood, hedge fund managers, and Silicon Valley, Acronym’s Courier Newsroom may just change local journalism and politics forever. Courier Newsroom…states that they were created to restore trust in journalism by helping to rebuild local media across the country. 

Brooks Brothers R.I.P.

American Conservative

Its hallmark now is the Red Fleece line, which is just dreadful. It has a sort of Anna Wintor-meets-William F. Buckley vibe. Designed for the modern urban prepster (all twelve of whom recently dropped out of Columbia and now work as “consultants” at their fathers’ investment firms), Red Fleece emphasizes tight fits, effeminate patterns, and other goofy parodies of “preppy” style.

Anti-Slavery Zealot John Brown Is No Hero

American Conservative

Thoreau’s deification of John Brown should be a reminder of the perils of glorifying political violence in the name of any ideal. John Brown’s legacy vivified how hatred is far easier to unleash than to control. Reasonable people can usually reach compromises or craft accommodations with happier results than mobs driven berserk by the latest Twitter hashtag.

Why Conservatism Is the Natural Home for Working-Class Americans

American Conservative

The allegiance of the working classes is increasingly aligned with conservative parties around the world, fully recognizing the deep hostility of both “progressives” and “neoliberal conservatives” to their way of life. The abandonment of working classes from progressive parties is the deepest underlying source of their panic over populism—the mask has been lifted.