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All I Want for Christmas Is Apathy

American Conservative

Shaun Cammack: Unconditional love, the kind we certainly ought to practice during the holidays, necessitates a quiet indifference about your loved one’s political ideas. It means that regardless of whether your uncle’s Christmas-themed hat reads MAGA or MALARKY, you’ll love him either way—not in spite of his beliefs—but with no regard for them whatsoever.

After Covid, a Bright Future for American Cities

American Conservative

A pause in the never-ending cycle of higher prices for less will mean that more middle-class people will be able to live in the city again. More neighborhood-oriented businesses will return, and commerce will have less focus on tourism. Life will actually become more enjoyable for long-time New Yorkers, and more affordable. The show will go on, but it will have different characters.

Americans Can’t Get Enough Guns

American Conservative

Biden has promised to confiscate “assault weapons,” which is a scary-sounding name Democrats give to automatic and semiautomatic guns. That includes every rifle that fires more quickly than a blunderbuss and every pistol more advanced than a flintlock. Since most Americans don’t fancy the idea of defending their homes with muskets, stockpiling continues to intensify.

A Bad Year May Get a Whole Lot Worse

American Conservative

The media will justify much in the name of de-Trumpification, and New York Times columnists are already proposing Orwellian tribunals like a truth and reconciliation commission. In the eyes of our democracy’s self-appointed managers, something happened in 2016 that shouldn’t have. They will work to make sure it doesn’t happen again, and change the rules if they can.