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The Coming Jan. 6 Train Wreck

American Conservative

The January 6 Capitol clash may be the gift that keeps on giving to cynics everywhere. In the coming months, Americans will likely see jaw-dropping bureaucratic debacles, stunning abuses by federal prosecutors, and appalling bloodlust by angry Biden supporters. Perhaps the least likely outcome is that the coming train wreck will restore faith in American democracy.

An Invented Insurrection

American Conservative

The Biden Administration is abusing state power to create the appearance of a conspiracy to commit an insurrection on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol. The problem is the indictment they just filed with the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia—it proves there was no conspiracy.

Here Come the 70’s

American Conservative

It is somehow absurdly fitting that Joe Biden, who entered the United States Senate in 1973 at the age of 30, is presiding over a return to the 1970s. The Seventies are one of the few decades that the popular imagination—economic decline, decadence, environmental catastrophism, a lot of great football—gets right.

Is Transgenderism Just a Celebrity Fad?

American Conservative

Maybe there is something unusual in the celebrity psyche that leaves them prone to gender dysphoria. Maybe the same impulse that drives some people to seek out fame inspires some to take up…other kinds of performance. Transgender people are grossly overrepresented in the entertainment class, and thus have a disproportionate influence on American popular culture—and, by extension, on public morality.

Shame on the Kinzinger Family

American Conservative

Rod Dreher: There’s nothing wrong with them publicly opposing his views, but to cut him off from the family because he’s against Donald Trump? What is wrong with those people?!…The idea that politics, of all things, would cause us to publicly disfellowship each other — it’s stunning, and disgusting, whether it comes from the woke Left or the Trump-cult Right.

Using GameStop to Occupy Wall Street

American Conservative

Main Street finally stuck it to Wall Street. Bolstered by an online forum millions strong, droves of “retail investors” sent GameStop shares soaring, delivering billions in losses to hedge funds that bet they would tank. Call it the GameStop Gambit, the Reddit Rebellion, the Retail Revolt, or Occupy II—no matter the name, it’s a modern-day tale of David versus Goliath, and it signals the potency of vigilante populism.

How to Prepare for the Coming Crackdown

American Conservative

We need to prepare now for how we will respond when politically motivated and unpleasant events occur in our lives. An important part of that preparation comes from praying beforehand for God’s guidance, patience, and wisdom in dealing with those that literally hate us, want to publicly ridicule us, and physically injure us for our faith. Acknowledge that persecution is coming, begin praying for God’s strength to endure now.