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The Shame of Pride Month

American Conservative

Rod Dreher: If you are a Christian, or any sort of traditionalist, you cannot support Pride month — even if you have no problem with homosexuality. I have a couple of gay conservative friends who are not religious, and who are comfortable being gay (one is partnered, the other isn’t, but is open to it), and who hate the way sexual desire has become an identity and a cultural celebration.

Please Don’t Go to College

American Conservative

The greater the proportion of the citizenry who attend, the simpler on average college must be. If those who arrive are to be graduated, “degrees” in hand, and the charges of racism! sexism! etc. are to be avoided, class material necessarily has to become easier. Equality therefore drives grade and degree inflation.

The Deep Pockets of the “Green” Left

American Conservative

New IRS disclosures expose just how well-funded green activism really is. In 2020 alone, nearly 200 environmentalist nonprofits collectively raked in $3.2 billion from wealthy donors and foundations to push radical climate legislation, fund ideological lawsuits against the oil and gas industry, shut down coal-burning power plants, and train new activists.

The War on Smoking Is a War on You

American Conservative

The cigarette is a blazing, defiant symbol of the user’s right to make a suboptimal personal choice. It is a healthy reminder that we live in a nation which holds sacrosanct the principle of self-determination, which does not permit a benevolent tyranny the power to protect us from everything which might possibly harm us.

The Decline and Fall of NASCAR

American Conservative

Cars used to be sponsored by consumer brands popular with the white working class: Wrangler jeans, Goodwrench, Budweiser. The military branches sponsored cars as well. This was the era of the Iraq War when “NASCAR Dads” were a political constituency. But NASCAR made a deliberate choice to discourage these types of sponsorships.