The president may have just given his Democratic rival a political lifeline at a critical moment in the 2020 campaign.
Publication: National Review
US Adversaries Will Exploit Washington Crises
American policymakers need to keep their eye on the foreign-policy ball, especially in the Middle East.
Here’s the Comprehensive Hunter Biden Timeline
From being appointed senior MBNA vice president (two years out of law school), to a gift of a 2.8-carat diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon, to Burisma Holdings…
Trump Did It, But Should He Be Impeached?
Jonah Goldberg: I’m not sure Democrats are right to pursue impeachment. I’m sure Republicans are wrong to pretend that what Trump did was totally fine.
What’s Behind the Democrats’ Impeachment Gambit?
They think anytime a Republican is elected president, there must have been something “illegitimate” going on.
Team Trump’s Unconvincing Ukraine Spin
Jonah Goldberg: It’s almost like we’ve heard these talking points before . . .What offends me most about the whistleblower-Ukraine-Biden story isn’t the obvious corruption of it all. It’s the way members of Team Trump assume we’re all idiots who won’t notice they’ve abruptly shifted their narrative.
Don’t Listen to Greta Thunberg
Rich Lowry: Greta Thunberg is the leading edge of a youth movement against climate change — including a global “climate strike” last week — that is being promoted and celebrated by adults who find it useful for their own purposes. Kids are powerful pawns.
Justin Trudeau: Identity-Politics Hypocrite
He is asking for forgiveness, but he had none for a Chinese colleague falsely accused of racism.
Will Video-Shaming Follow Our Summer of Flight-Shaming?
If you think that aviation’s energy use is too high, consider that the Internet’s will soon surpass it.
All Hail the Reactionary “Downton Abbey”
It makes a brilliantly entertaining case for tradition, stability, and aristocracy.
Why Trump Needed Someone Like John Bolton
Bobby Jindal: Bolton’s willingness to be honest about the true intentions of our adversaries was a strength and a necessity.
The Anti-Kavanaugh Campaign Could Be Just Beginning
The justice’s enemies believe that layering on dubious allegations somehow makes each one more credible, but it speaks only to their own desperation.
NY Times Anti-Kavanaugh Bombshell Is a Dud
The authors omitted the fact that the alleged victim has no memory of the alleged incident.
Jennifer Lopez’s Female Gangsta-Training Film “Hustlers” Is Appalling
Hustlers has shallower roots than any Madonna film or music video. It’s a piece of unoriginal indoctrination, pushing the new vengeful wave of self-promotional, misandrist feminism. The strippers exploit themselves to exploit the men who exploit them is tautology that makes sense only to feminist ideologues and Hollywood panderers.
San Francisco’s Designation of NRA as a “Domestic Terrorist Organization” Is Dangerous for Democracy
David French: Free speech is often the first casualty of political polarization.
Taliban Terrorists Have No Place at Camp David
They remain aggressive foes determined to strike at America. They must be killed or captured, not invited to negotiations.
In Praise of Gerald Ford
This weekend marks the 45th anniversary of arguably the most amazing moment in the history of the presidency. President Gerald Ford issued former president Richard Nixon a full, unconditional pardon for any crimes he may have committed related to the Watergate burglary and coverup.
Yes, Gun Ownership Is a God-Given Right
Rich Lowry: God doesn’t necessarily want you to own an AR-15, but there is a natural right to self-defense.
Conservatives Should Watch Less Cable News, More Drama and Comedy
The conservative movement in the United States, which identifies itself too closely with the Republican party, is at a low cultural ebb (it is certainly fashionable to be anti-Trump), but American popular culture for the past 20 years nonetheless has been suffused with deeply conservative sentiment — even though conservatives often fail to understand or appreciate it. We should watch less cable news and more drama and comedy.
The Amazon Scam
The G-7 Summit, insofar as it dealt with the fires, relied on a hysteria-induced misunderstanding of what’s happening in the Amazon.
The New York Times Should Stop Whining
If recirculating tweets of employees of liberal news outlets is undemocratic, why isn’t similar activity by left-wing groups also dangerously authoritarian?
Netflix Debuts Its Obama Manifesto
The media celebrate the arrival of the new ministers of propaganda.
Anti-President Trump Conservatives Have No Good 2020 Options
The Republican options beyond the president all have their own considerable flaws.
Democratic Dishonesty on Assault Weapon Bans
When they had the power to reinstate it, they didn’t even hold a vote.