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Team Trump’s Unconvincing Ukraine Spin

National Review

Jonah Goldberg: It’s almost like we’ve heard these talking points before . . .What offends me most about the whistleblower-Ukraine-Biden story isn’t the obvious corruption of it all. It’s the way members of Team Trump assume we’re all idiots who won’t notice they’ve abruptly shifted their narrative.

Don’t Listen to Greta Thunberg

National Review

Rich Lowry: Greta Thunberg is the leading edge of a youth movement against climate change — including a global “climate strike” last week — that is being promoted and celebrated by adults who find it useful for their own purposes. Kids are powerful pawns. 

In Praise of Gerald Ford

National Review

This weekend marks the 45th anniversary of arguably the most amazing moment in the history of the presidency. President Gerald Ford issued former president Richard Nixon a full, unconditional pardon for any crimes he may have committed related to the Watergate burglary and coverup.

Conservatives Should Watch Less Cable News, More Drama and Comedy

National Review

The conservative movement in the United States, which identifies itself too closely with the Republican party, is at a low cultural ebb (it is certainly fashionable to be anti-Trump), but American popular culture for the past 20 years nonetheless has been suffused with deeply conservative sentiment — even though conservatives often fail to understand or appreciate it. We should watch less cable news and more drama and comedy.