His recent apology for stop-and-frisk probably won’t win him the nomination.
Publication: National Review
Elite Law Schools Shortchange Students by Veering Left
Tomorrow’s top litigators and legal thinkers need more than ideologically uniform echo chambers.
Elise Stefanik Shines at Trump Impeachment Hearing
The New York congresswoman was clearly the strongest Republican questioner of the day.
Shaking Down the Rich Is Bad for Democracy
The more citizens believe that a small group of undeserving wealthy people are denying them nice things, the uglier our politics will become.
10 Reasons Why Impeachment Is Illegitimate
We are witnessing constitutional government dissipating before our very eyes.
How Warren Wooed the White Left
To win them, you must defend your unworkable plans dauntlessly.
Elizabeth Warren Thinks Voters Are Stupid
The bad news is, Elizabeth Warren has some barmy ideas about raising your taxes. The good news is, she’s a proven coward.
Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump Have Much More in Common Than You Think
Warren’s catchphrase, “I’ve got a plan for that,” has as much cultural resonance with her base as Trump’s “Make America Great Again” does with his.
Here’s Trump’s’ Best Option for Avoiding an Impeachment
An apology. The longer the president defends a lie, the more Americans will resent being lied to.
California Can’t Keep the Lights on
Rich Lowry: Power — and all the goods it makes possible — is synonymous with modern civilization. It shouldn’t be a negotiable for anyone living in a well-functioning society, or even in California, which, despite its stupendous wealth and natural splendor, has blighted itself over the decades with misgovernance and misplaced priorities.
Will Hillary Run Again?
She could triumph over a weak and divided field, but many Democrats are terrified to see her as the face of their party again.
Mike Pence Wouldn’t Win in 2020 if Trump Is Removed
Trump’s removal wouldn’t be a fresh start for Pence and the GOP; it would be more like getting stuck in the poisonous epilogue of the Trump era, awaiting the inevitable advent of the Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, or Pete Buttigieg era.
Bring Impeachment into the Light
If Congress is to substitute its judgment for the electorate’s, let the people see why.
GOP Pressure on Trump Was Long Overdue
If the GOP had worked harder at constraining Trump from the beginning, they might not be looking at the implosion of their party.
Trump Should Want a Rapid Impeachment
It might help him turn the page and win reelection.
Radical Climate-Change Protests May Be Coming to a City Near You
John Fund: I have seen what may be the future of climate-change protest. It isn’t pretty, and be prepared because it may be coming to American cities near you faster than you think.
Elizabeth Warren Is Not Honest
The Democratic candidate knows that stories of insurance being withdrawn are not illustrative examples of a serious problem.
Klobuchar and Buttigieg Stand Out in an Otherwise Dull, Plodding Night
A pair of second-tier candidates who were in danger of being forgotten brought their A-games.
Trump’s Syria Pullback Is an Obama-Like Blunder
Rich Lowry: Obama triumphantly exited Iraq, only to have to go back when things spun out of control. If Trump wants to be done with Syria, it might not be done with him.
3 Nations That Tried Socialism and Rejected It
Israel, India, and the United Kingdom each lifted itself from economic stagnation by switching to free-market policies.
Elizabeth Warren’s Threat to the Constitution
She exhibits an open contempt for legal and constitutional boundaries.
Elizabeth Warren’s Family-Leave Plan Would Weaken Family Relationships
By making day-care centers free or very low-cost, Warren’s plan would induce more families to rely on formal child-care providers. Currently, while most families with young children have child-care needs, only a minority of them use formal day-care centers.
Elizabeth Warren Would Break Up Big Tech Creating an Opening for Conservatives
Mark Zuckerberg may find that he needs his potential allies on the right more than his unappeasable enemies on the left.
Trump Is Still Getting Impeached Over Russia
It’s not clear that Democrats would consider his Ukraine call impeachable if it weren’t for their belief that Trump had gotten away with so much previously.