Her record of shading and embellishing the truth was one of her greatest weaknesses,
Publication: National Review
Biden Is Not a Socialist, Just a Scoundrel
He is a vicious partisan, a coward, and a habitual liar.
Bloomberg: Guns for Me, None for Thee
His security detail packs plenty of firepower to protect him, but he doesn’t want you to have any guns at all.
Good-Bye Elizabeth Warren
She flip-flopped, fibbed, and pandered her way out of the race.
The White House Shouldn’t Downplay the Coronavirus
The White House has been walking into a coronavirus trap. By pooh-poohing worries about the virus and saying everything is under control, it is setting itself up for the charge, if things get even a little bad, that it was self-deluding and overly complacent. It will be accused of making mission-accomplished statements before the mission truly began.
Bernie Sanders and Socialism: How Could It Happen in America?
Like millions of other saps over the past century-plus, Bernie fans been enticed by the collectivist “ethic” — its revolutionary appeal, its religiosity, and its quixotic promises.
The Moral Failings of Bernie
Sanders was not a liberal during the Cold War. He was an outright Communist sympathizer.
Why Bernie’s Praise of Fidel Castro Matters
He’s defended virtually every Communist tyrant he’s ever been asked about over the past 50 years.
Dem Candidates Spar in Contentious Outing with Their Knives Out
A lot of these candidates, who would be allies under different circumstances, now can barely stand to be on the same stage with one another.
Fight Bernie and the Socialist Menace
No, Socialism isn’t Communism’s harmless, goofy kid brother. It is nasty stuff. Even when sugar-coated with religious folderol… it still is nothing other than a scheme to control your life, to take your property, to limit your freedoms, and to bankroll the proletariat’s covetous vanguard.
With Bernie Rising, It’s Time to Double Down on Combating Socialism
Help us battle the alluring, poisonous ideology that’s spreading once again in the land.
Academy Awards and Diversity: Oscar Ceremony Shrinks to Size of Twitter Hissy Fit
This year Twitter ruled that the Oscars had sinned in two ways: inadequate representation of blacks (one out of 20 acting nominees) and no women nominated for Best Director. In response, the producers of the ceremony ordered up an evening of cringing and self-flagellation, begging America’s forgiveness for its own members’ sinful secret-ballot choices.
The Offensive Bloomberg Campaign
Bloomberg 2020 is still an affront to small-d democratic sensibilities, a tribute not to his superior political skills or messaging compared with the other candidates, but his access to an enormous personal bank account.
Trump Impeachment Will Have Long-Term Consequences for Republicans
More evidence of the president’s guilt will come out, from John Bolton’s book and elsewhere. Indeed, one can be forgiven for thinking that the reason Rubio, Alexander, and others felt the need to proclaim the president’s guilt has less to do with a desire to tell the truth and more with getting ahead of a future torrent of irrefutable facts. Nor should we rule out that Trump, emboldened by his “exoneration,” will do something even worse.
The Dems’ Clown Car
The results of the Iowa caucuses remain unknown. How in hell is that possible? Because the intellectual titans who insist that they can (if only we give them sufficiently uncontested powers of official coercion) impose expert rational “scientific” management on everything from health care to global energy markets in reality cannot organize a two-car parade in Toeterville.
Woke Elites Criticize the West, Stay Silent on China and Iran
If the West is guilty of carbon crimes, racism, and bigotry, what are China and Iran? Woke elites prefer not to say.
Inside the Hillary Bubble
A four-hour documentary shows Hillary Clinton is still blaming America for her failures.
Bolton Blows Up Trump Team’s Foolhardy Quid Pro Quo Defense
However objectionable it may have been, nothing of consequence happened. Therefore there was no impeachable offense. Case closed. Except it’s not case closed.
Removing Trump from Office Would Be Insane
Rich Lowry: If Trump were actually convicted, the 2020 election would proceed under a cloud of illegitimacy. Tens of millions of Trump voters wouldn’t accept the result. They’d see it as an inside job to deny the incumbent president a chance to run for reelection, without a single voter having a direct say.
Schiff Opened the Door on Biden Witness Testimony
If they have to testify, they have the Democrats’ chief impeachment manager to thank.
Mitch McConnell Is Master of the Senate
And he doesn’t care what the media says about him…When all is said and done, he’ll be remembered as one of the most effective Senate majority leaders in the modern era.
Gun Owners Rally in Richmond and Media Predictions of Violence Look Like Panic
As you may have noticed from the lack of breaking news updates, the day brought no violence….The national media did it again.
Impeachment Lacks an Indictable Offense
Something is missing from the charges against Trump: An indictable offense.
The Botched Dem Case for Witnesses
What Nadler and other Democrats are insisting on is that the Senate take up its investigative baton. In other words, the body controlled by the party that was desperate to impeach Trump wants to outsource its work to the body controlled by the party that rejects Trump’s impeachment. This is a cockamamie demand…