This could be a disaster waiting to happen. Los Angeles County (population 10 million) has a registration rate of 112 percent of its adult citizen population. More than one out of every five L.A. County registrations probably belongs to a voter who has moved, or who is deceased or otherwise ineligible.
Publication: National Review
Liberals Rewrite History to Justify Their #MeToo Hypocrisy
It’s absurd to suggest that Christine Blasey Ford is more credible than Tara Reade.
Whichever Models You Use, the Coronavirus Is Going to Kill a Lot of People
The outlook is not promising no matter which way you view it.
Lockdown Extremism Is a Vice
We’ve flattened the curve. Now let states and municipalities decide when to loosen up.
Sweden Bucked Conventional Wisdom and Other Countries Are Following Too
No lockdown, no shuttered businesses or elementary schools, no stay-at-home. And no disaster, either.
Biden’s Disgraceful Hypocrisy on Sexual Misconduct
If presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden were forced to live by the standards he wants to set for college students accused of sexual misconduct, he would already have been presumed guilty, have been denied a genuine opportunity to refute the charges leveled against him by Tara Reade, and had his life ruined.
NPR’s Spotty Report on the Wuhan Labs
A lot of the arguments in the NPR segment amount to insisting the staff at these labs are just too well-trained to have an accident like this. Perhaps they are. But recent months have demonstrated that a lot of institutions in China don’t want to report mistakes and bad news up the chain to their bosses.
Church on a Football Field?
It’s time to think creatively about how to safely open up civil society as well as the economy.
Jon Karl vs Jim Acosta
One of them is a first-rate reporter.
Coronavirus Protestors Are Not Heroes of Civil Disobedience
We all deserve protection from the coronavirus, which is now our nation’s second-leading cause of death. To get it, we must cooperate and make sacrifices.
How the Media Completely Blew the Trump Ventilator Story
The administration handled the potential shortage deftly.
We Are Approaching Covid-19 Gut-Check Time
Timelines grow shorter. The virus and the draconian reaction to it are wearing down a quarantined America.
Coronavirus Authoritarianism Is Getting Out of Hand
There has been lots of pounding of keyboards over the power grabs of authoritarians in Central and Eastern Europe. Rightly so. Yet right here, politicians act as if a health crisis gives them license to lord over the most private activities of America people in ways that are wholly inconsistent with the spirit and letter of the Constitution.
In Some Places, Easter Wasn’t Celebrated, It Was Being Fined
Some local officials came after religious organizations with unseemly zeal.
China Shouldn’t Make Our Drugs
This is the country that threatened to cut off our supply of medicines and plunge the U.S. into “the mighty sea of coronavirus.”
Sweden Has Avoided Isolation and Economic Ruin
Lots of people are rushing to discredit Sweden’s approach, which relies more on calibrated precautions and isolating only the most vulnerable than on imposing a full lockdown. While gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited and high schools and colleges are closed, Sweden has kept its borders open as well as its preschools, grade schools, bars, restaurants, parks, and shops.
Impeachment Is Not a Valid Excuse for Trump’s Slow Coronavirus Response
Democrats didn’t have to impeach Trump. But Trump didn’t have to act in a manner that inspired Democrats to impeach him.
Trump’s Daily Briefings Shine Light on His Inadequacy
The president is incapable of doing what other presidents have done in such moments of crisis: earning the benefit of the doubt by rising to the occasion.
Will the Second Amendment Survive Coronavirus?
The panic comes at a time when many police departments have curtailed arrests and are releasing certain criminals from prison. This is exactly the type of situation that the Second Amendment is meant to address…Yet many public officials insist on flaunting the Second Amendment, ordering gun shops closed or banning firearm sales.
Coronavirus Is Just More Fodder for the Chinese Propaganda Campaign
The media’s obsession with proving Trump is racist because he calls it the ‘Chinese coronavirus’ is perfectly in sync with the Communists’ propaganda effort.
Big Government Has Hurt Our Ability to Deal with This Crisis
Before we swing too far from “government shouldn’t do anything” to “government should do everything,” it is worth taking stock of all the ways in which big government has contributed to making this outbreak worse.
Trump’s Response to Coronavirus Not the Work of a Dictator
He’s leading a characteristically American response to crisis: early fumbling followed by massive public and private mobilization.
Trump Strikes the Right Tone
This speech was a marked, welcome improvement in the president’s rhetoric, but that won’t matter if he goes out and undercuts it tomorrow.
Sexism Is Not Why Elizabeth Warren Failed
Elizabeth Warren’s campaign failed not owing to misogyny but because she’s a dishonest, incompetent politician.