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The Reopening Is Not a Failure

National Review

The media’s tone is, of course, apocalyptic, with many commentators portraying many Republican governors as callous extremists hell-bent on reopening, come what may…The reality is that Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and Doug Ducey are reasonable, public-spirited men who never said they would insist on full reopening regardless of the consequences.

The Dumbest Statue Toppling

National Review

Of course, Madison, Wis., has topped everyone with what is probably the dumbest toppling so far. A mob Tuesday night pulled down a statue of Hans Christian Heg — an abolitionist who recruited troops for the Union army, ably led them, and fell at Chickamauga — decapitated it, dragged it down the street, and threw it into a lake.

The Inside Story of the Tom Cotton Op-Ed That Rocked the NY Times

National Review

The paper hasn’t yet identified any factual errors in the piece, and its statement seems a transparent way to try to climb down from its decision to publish the piece to appease its staff and readers. The Cotton team has no idea what the Times is talking about. The senator had fairly recently written two other op-eds for the Times. “Each time,” a Cotton staffer says, “the process was rigorous and somewhat onerous, and that was true of this time as well.”

Meet Rioters with Overwhelming Force

National Review

Restoring order to America’s cities isn’t a complicated proposition. All it requires is resources and determination and a firm rejection of the longstanding progressive fallacy that an overwhelming police presence is “provocative” and “escalatory” and must be avoided.

First, Restore Order

National Review

Protests are a normal and healthy part of democracy. Looting and arson are not. What is particularly vexing here is that the looting and arson are taking place while the gears of justice are turning — the police officers in question were dismissed and the principal malefactor charged with third-degree murder.

It’s OK to Acknowledge Good Covid-19 News

National Review

Progressives and many journalists have developed a near-theological commitment to the lockdowns, such that any information that undermines them is considered unwelcome, even threatening. This accounts for the widespread sense that no one should say things have gotten better . . . or people are going to die.