How can Netflix, which presents itself as a leader on LGBT issues, maintain its relationship with Obama, who twice ran for president opposing gay marriage?
Publication: National Review
The Worrisome Decline of Patriotism in America
As the nation celebrates its 244th birthday, those of us who still love it must redouble our efforts to convert those who don’t to our side.
The Strategies of Dementia Politics
Stoke chaos, obstruct economic recovery, and hide Biden in the basement till Election Day.
The Reopening Is Not a Failure
The media’s tone is, of course, apocalyptic, with many commentators portraying many Republican governors as callous extremists hell-bent on reopening, come what may…The reality is that Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and Doug Ducey are reasonable, public-spirited men who never said they would insist on full reopening regardless of the consequences.
The Dumbest Statue Toppling
Of course, Madison, Wis., has topped everyone with what is probably the dumbest toppling so far. A mob Tuesday night pulled down a statue of Hans Christian Heg — an abolitionist who recruited troops for the Union army, ably led them, and fell at Chickamauga — decapitated it, dragged it down the street, and threw it into a lake.
The Fight Against Statues Is a Fight Against Civilization
Conrad Black: Left-wing extremists have hijacked the Floyd protests to wage war against American achievement.
Thomas Jefferson Must Stand
Those who want to topple the great, but imperfect, man feel the same way about his country.
Conservatives Shouldn’t Defend Confederate Statues Which Are Symbols of Secession
Secession was a traitorous act that threatened to destroy the American nation, and the South’s leaders don’t deserve to be given a place of honor.
Selective Self-Distancing Rules Are a Scam
Massive crowds are wonderful and healthful, if they’re woke. Otherwise, they’re life-threatening.
Which Black Lives Matter?
When the police pull back, violent crime — against blacks — spikes.
The Oberlin Mindset Has Spread to the Real World
The controversy at the New York Times over Senator Cotton’s op-ed reveals how quickly the values of the woke mob have infiltrated the mainstream.
Law and Order Isn’t Fascist
It’s the New York Times and other woke voices, not President Trump, that want to stifle dissent.
Not-So-Retiring Retired Military Leaders
In a time of crisis, their synchronized chorus of complaints, falsehoods, and partisan appeals to resistance threaten the very constitutional order they claim to revere.
The Inside Story of the Tom Cotton Op-Ed That Rocked the NY Times
The paper hasn’t yet identified any factual errors in the piece, and its statement seems a transparent way to try to climb down from its decision to publish the piece to appease its staff and readers. The Cotton team has no idea what the Times is talking about. The senator had fairly recently written two other op-eds for the Times. “Each time,” a Cotton staffer says, “the process was rigorous and somewhat onerous, and that was true of this time as well.”
This Is Why We Need Guns
Defending their lives and their property as they see fit is exactly what those who have been abandoned by the authorities are doing in droves.
Meet Rioters with Overwhelming Force
Restoring order to America’s cities isn’t a complicated proposition. All it requires is resources and determination and a firm rejection of the longstanding progressive fallacy that an overwhelming police presence is “provocative” and “escalatory” and must be avoided.
First, Restore Order
Protests are a normal and healthy part of democracy. Looting and arson are not. What is particularly vexing here is that the looting and arson are taking place while the gears of justice are turning — the police officers in question were dismissed and the principal malefactor charged with third-degree murder.
The Return of the Tea Party
Rich Lowry: Being told what to do by epidemiologists and officials wielding “science” as their authority has been enough to bring Tea Party–era liberty back in vogue.
There’s No Fix for Trump’s Bad Tweets
What needs changing is the behavior of the president, who lacks the power to control his own urges.
It’s OK to Acknowledge Good Covid-19 News
Progressives and many journalists have developed a near-theological commitment to the lockdowns, such that any information that undermines them is considered unwelcome, even threatening. This accounts for the widespread sense that no one should say things have gotten better . . . or people are going to die.
Biden’s Most Ridiculous Veep Prospect
Rich Lowry: Stacey Abrams’s foremost political achievement is making her Georgia gubernatorial loss into a cause célèbre among Democrats.
Our Never-Mind Media
The media shrug at their massive bungling of major stories.
The Coronavirus Lockdown Has Not Made the Air Cleaner
Why are so many activists saying so anyway?
Museum’s Money Machinations
Some museums want to raid endowments. Let’s reduce spending, stop the panic, and open our museum doors.