Americans should be embarrassed by their elections. The political class is playing us for a bunch of fools.
Publication: American Thinker
Trump Should Retire to Israel
Israel is the one place in the world where Trump is truly beloved. And there is one place in Israel that is a center for world culture, influence, action, events, the party life: Tel Aviv! Trump should announce that, given the recent upswing in the Mideast, Israel would be a good place to build a Trump Tower in Tel Aviv.
Can We Survive the Coming Socialism?
All throughout this great land, we have patriots who are willing to fight, to be the antibodies needed to ward off the disease.
Donald Trump, Media Mogul
Trump’s had ample on-the-job training. Every time the leftist talking heads threw a stink bomb (disguised as a major breaking story) over the political fence, Trump was not above tossing it back into the enemy’s camp. And voices raised on the left were now countered by conservative commentators, many of whom at Fox News were burying CNN in the ratings game.
Joe Biden, the Manchurian President
There can be little doubt left that Chinese influences corrupted the 2020 elections, interfering on behalf of Joe Biden.
How to Steal an Entire Country
The home team fights round the clock to prove that the challenger cheated, and the challenger makes no effort to calm fears or address concerns — just continues naming cronies and planning not just to take over the ballpark, but to change the rules for the entire sport.
Bring on 2021
If the presidential elections fraud succeeds, 74 million citizens will have their votes nullified. What would this act of disenfranchisement be other than war by other means?
John Brennan Blatantly Lies on Fox News to Chris Wallace Who Doesn’t Call Him Out
Two vomit-inducing phonies.
You Just Might Be a Democrat If….
If you claim to hate racism and then claim that all white people are racists, you just might be a Democrat. And 21 more indications of donkey-brain.
Georgia: How Secretary Raffensperger Got Played
The Democrat campaign to steal Georgia would not be successful without the tacit cooperation of the Republicans.
Is Bill Barr a Bad Guy or Helpfully Spreading Disinformation?
With Barr having denounced fraud claims, there’s a debate about whether Barr is another Swamp creature or if he’s part of some more devious plan.
How Liberals Can Destroy Football with Covid, and Why They’d Want to
Football has always been reviled by the left. Now leftists are salivating at the chance to put the last nail in the sport’s coffin.
The Hijacking of the 2020 Election and the Hate America Strategy
If Joe Biden is inaugurated as President thanks to an irrefutably fraudulent election, then the country’s polarization is irreversible and will lead to a fracturing of the country…The sixty-year crusade of the American left and its Hate America Strategy, conceived to facilitate the ultimate transformation of the nation, will have succeeded in ways they never could have imagined.
Conservatives Must Stop Quitting Before the Battle Is Over
America is on the verge of sanctioning a socialist takeover of the greatest government ever established on the face of the Earth. What are we doing about it?
Listen Closely to Sidney Powell
Sidney Powell talks fluently and in detail about the Dominion systems – so you know she’s got the evidence of fraud and can prove it. She also drops hints – clues – about other stuff, but with no details, so she is still collecting evidence before she can describe and prove a case.
Could Today’s Covid Surge Have Been Avoided?
What if after the initial wave of cases last spring we protected the vulnerable and let everyone else live their lives, attending school, church, family gatherings, and so on? What if testing was only performed when a physician deemed it necessary? What if the media and politicians did not obsess over case counts, death counts, and Trump’s tweets on a daily basis?
Time for a New Declaration?
Have we passed that Rubicon in America beyond which it is no longer possible to pretend the American government is legitimately representing the people?
Why Not Trust Rudy?
Giuliani is a longtime politician, deeply entrenched not only in the world of voting, but, in a U.S. increasingly harried by government intervention, in the world of business…Is it unlikely he has no insider information, totally hidden from the public? Isn’t it possible he knows somebody we don’t know, who says things we don’t hear?
Trump Needs Statesmen, Not Cowards, in this Fight
Yellow-bellied GOP cowards, unfortunately, are many.
Who Elected Anthony Fauci as Dictator?
Anthony Fauci is a lifelong bureaucrat who has never gone before the American people to earn their vote based upon his ideas and promises. Nevertheless, he’s been calling the shots for almost a year now, dictating the parameters of American liberty – and, flush with power, he’s clamping down even harder because he sees a Biden presidency in his future.
“60 Minutes” Scarily Ignorant Interview of Barack Obama
Interviewer Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes supplied the ignorance. He appears to have no more knowledge of what transpired during the past four years than does, say, a Whoopi Goldberg or a Kathy Griffin.
Mainstream Media United in Forcing “President-Elect” Biden Down Your Throat
Some skepticism is called for when the mainstream media are so uniformly in agreement about anything, let alone about a hotly disputed presidential election.
Surveying the Aftermath of a Stolen Election
The evidence of cheating is so overwhelming that any honest person would seek to correct it. There is no shortage of outrageous statistical anomalies, videos, first-person testimonies, voting machine “glitches,” abuses of authority, and much more.
Nobody Believes This Election Farce
J.B. Shurk: I object to the way the Democrats stole this election. This was just a straight-up smash-and-grab job. No creativity or panache whatsoever. Shouldn’t the Hollywood Party be capable of putting something together that’s a little more…I don’t know…believable?