Suddenly, we’ve gone from double and triple masking to no masking at all, without any sign of new data driving that change.
Publication: American Thinker
Liz Cheney’s Pratfall
Today, D.C. denizens celebrate Liz Cheney but that celebration may turn into sorrow not far distant. Donald Trump, like his America First movement, is far from finished. In fact, it may only be beginning.
Let’s Demand a Recount of Covid Deaths
According to the CDC, only 6% of those who died with the Covid-19 infection had no other pre-existing health conditions. The other 94% had an average of four medical conditions already affecting their health.
Michelle Claims to Live in Fear; Barack Actually Does
There is no one Barack fears more than wife Michelle, his personal emissary from the world of authentic African-Americans.
Biden’s Restaurant Rescue Plan Blatantly Discriminates Against White Males
As part of Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act, the application process by which owners of restaurant can apply for federal relief to help make up for the loss of revenue is opening. The relief, though, is being prioritized based on race, gender, and whether or not business owners are considered “socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.” White men, for example, who are not Veterans of the United States Armed Forces, are not eligible for “priority period” processing and funding.
Trump Is Ba-a-a-ck! Online!
And his millions of followers from his former sites are sure to join him there.
Vaccine Tyranny?
Whatever happened to “my body, my choice”? Progressives are pro-choice when choosing to end another’s life for their own convenience but entirely unwilling to grant others the autonomy to decide what, if any, potent drugs/serums/mRNA tweakers they allow into their bodies, even though the long-term effects are currently unknown and unknowable.
The Covid Passport: Fascism at Hand
The Covid Passport creates the platform on which to add all kinds of different data types (information from social media, credit card purchases, whom you were with from your geo location info on the phone) to profile every citizen and then take action against all of them. Do not think this is far-fetched. It has begun.
The Dark Night of Fascism Has Finally Landed in the U.S.
Meanwhile, Europeans are pushing back against Islamism, Critical Race Theory, and lockdowns.
Kamala’s Not Looking So Good Lately
She gave a maskless interview to CNN’s Dana Bash a week ago, and she looked much more jowly and wrinkly than she did just three months ago. She has a bit more junk in the trunk now…Is the stress of not being able to do her job getting to her? Does she have Imposter Syndrome on steroids and the medication has stopped working?
The Democratic Party Is Now America’s Extremist Party
The amalgam of a political party, government, and large corporations should chill liberty-loving Americans to their bones.
A Harvard-Educated Texas Politician Thinks There Are 6 Sexes
His attitude is typical of leftists, no matter how well “educated,” who will believe anything if it supports their political goals.
Earth Day’s Legacy of Failed Apocalyptic Predictions
All the solemnity that attaches to Earth Day, with scolds like Greta Thunberg and politicians attending “virtual” summits, ought to be drowned out by peals of laughter. The real slogan of the global warming crowd ought to be. “Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me fifty times, shame on you.”
Why Does the Left So Passionately Want to Venerate Criminals?
We are fast becoming some kind of vast sanctuary nation for lawbreakers.
Chauvin Trial Unleashed the Dogs of Thuggery and Revolution
The primary lesson the militant left will take away from the Chauvin trial is not that he was found guilty but that their tactics work. Their willingness to use violence, looting, intimidation and threats has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.
Cable News Shake-Up Has Fox News Again at the Top
These days, with the Republican Party largely ineffective in opposing the Biden Administration’s appalling overreach, Fox News is the closest thing to a viable mainstream loyal opposition that we have in this country…And at 9 PM ET tonight, Hannity’s program on Fox News will devote the entire hour to the host’s sit-down interview with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
Can We Finally Start Ignoring Fauci?
A House hearing Thursday again demonstrated that Fauci’s sole goal is control – and that Democrats are happy to assist him in achieving that goal.
Progressive White Women Are Crazy Because the Left Makes Them That Way
You haven’t been imagining that seemingly emotionally damaged white women have been leading the BLM and Covid-mask charges in the last year.
How Not to Get Killed When Stopped by a Cop
When a police officer is making an arrest, the person being arrested has no right to resist.
Due Process Is No More In Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
On Sunday, a police officer, while trying to taser Daunte Wright, who was violently resisting arrest, shot him Within hours, therer was rioting.That’s barely a headline nowadays. What was more interesting was that when Brooklyn Center’s city manager insisted that the police officer still gets the benefit of due process, the City Council promptly fired him.
Riots Following Police Shooting in Minneapolis Suburb Makes a Fair Trial for Chauvin Impossible
The jurors in the trial of former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin are not being sequestered and so are almost certainly aware of the riots, making it very difficult for them to deliver any not guilty verdict, given the threat to their personal safety, not to mention the threat of all-out riots and mayhem.
Let’s Tear Off Our Masks on May 1
One hundred days. That’s what President Biden asked for before he was inaugurated – 100 days of masking. That was the linchpin of his plan to end the coronavirus pandemic. Well, April 30 is the 100th day. On May 1, we can take off our masks for good.
George Floyd’s Rotten Friends
Instead of helping out their friend, these two people quietly watched him die, with the life-saving antidote possibly sitting in the police car next to them, rather than get in trouble themselves for their own petty criminality. It’s not systemic racism or police brutality that plagues black communities. It’s the many heartless characters like Shawanda Hill and Morries Hall who do so much damage every day.
Texas Stats Reveal Fauci’s Failure at Scientific Method
The most consequential man in America is befuddled by data that doesn’t prove his theories.